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Tubers of yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst)
Tubers of yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst)
AS A METHOD BIOTANOL acid hydrolysis and enzymatic "
Approved on 09 OCTOBER 2010
AS A METHOD BIOTANOL acid hydrolysis and enzymatic "
Approved on 09 OCTOBER 2010
Head of SMAN 2 Singingi Supervisor
NIP.19600604 NIP.19841018 198 802 1001 2010 01 2018
The undersigned is
Name: Arif mudi Priyatno
School: SMAN 2 Singingi
Stating that scientific papers are original and written based on research by the author on 09 OCTOBER 2010 in the laboratory of Biology sman 2 Singingi. This statement is designed to be used properly.
Betel River, 09 October 2010
Arif Mudi Priyatno
Thank God we prayed the presence of Almighty God for the blessing and mercy so that the author can complete scientific paper entitled "Prospects bioethanol production yam USING acid hydrolysis and enzymatic"
In the preparation of scientific writing, the writer has tried as much as possible according to the authors ability. But as human beings, the author does not make mistakes and mistakes in terms of grammar and writing techniques. But even then the author did my best to finish the work ilmiahmeskipun arranged very simple.
We realize that without cooperation between the guidance counselor and the author as well as some relatives who provide useful inputs for the author after completion of this scientific work. To the authors thank the mengucapakan whice above who have been willing to take the time to provide guidance and suggestions for smooth preparation of this paper.
So hopefully this paper can be useful for writers and readers in general. We welcome any suggestions and criticism from various parties that are building.
Betel River, 28 August 2010
1. Identity
Name: ARIF Mudi Priyatno
Place / Date of Birth: SAND GOLD, 23 MEI 1995
Religion: ISLAM
Address: Jln. Sheikh Ahmad mother, golden sand village, kec.singingi kab.kuantan Singingi RIAU
1.1. Background
Depletion of fossil fuel reserves and the rising human population is very contradictory to the energy needs for human survival and their economic and social activities. For the last five years, the Indonesian national oil production decreased due to declining oil reserves on production wells in the natural, but with increasing population, will also increase the need for transportation and industrial activity. This resulted in increased demand and consumption of fuel oil (BBM) which is a natural resource that can not be renewed. The government still imports most of the fuel to meet domestic demand.
Seeing these conditions, the government has issued Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2006 on National Energy Policy to develop alternative energy sources as a substitute fuel. The policy has set renewable resources such as biofuels as an alternative fuel. Vegetable-based fuels is expected to reduce the scarcity of fuel, so that fuel the need can be met. Vegetable-based fuels can also reduce environmental pollution, making it more environmentally friendly.
Vegetable-based fuel is one example of bioethanol. Bioethanol can be made from biological resources are abundant in Indonesia. Bioethanol is made from ingredients such as sugary or starchy yam, cassava or cassava, sugar cane juice, sorghum, palm sap, sweet potato, canna and others. Almost all of the plants mentioned above is a plant that is familiar, because it is easy to find and some of the plants used as food.
Material that has not been used as sources of carbohydrates are yam producers. yam has a composition of 65% starch, 25% water, the rest is protein and vitamins. The content of the yam korbohidrat a potential as a source of biofuels is bioethanol. Bioethanol is a liquid fermentation of sugar yield from carbohydrate (starch) using the help of microorganisms. Production of bioethanol from plants containing starch or carbohydrate, through the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar (glucose) by several methods such as by acid hydrolysis and enzymatic. Methods of enzymatic hydrolysis are more commonly used because it is more environmentally friendly than the acid catalyst. Glucose obtained is then performed fermentation or fermentation by adding yeast or yeast to obtain bioethanol as an energy source.
1.2. Problem Formulation
1.2.1. How does the prospect of yam production as a source of bioethanol.
1.2.2. Which process is better to produce bioethanol from yam.
1.2.3.Bagaimana potential development of yam in Riau province?
1.3. Purpose
1.3.1. Knowing the potential of yam as a source of bioethanol.
1.3.2. Knowing better process to generate bioethanol from yam.
1.3.3 Knowing the potential development of bioethanol from yam in the province of Riau.
1.4. Benefits of Writing
1.4.1. Told us about the community kapada riau that yam can be used as a source of ethanol that has a function as an alternative to premium.
1.4.2. Exercising creativity and insight of students in writing scientific papers.
1.4.3. Provide information and picture about the prospects for the development of bioethanol from yam in Riau province.
1.4.4. Provides an overview of business opportunities to cultivate yam into bioethanol.
1.5. Scope
The scope of this Scientific Writing Writing covers the utilization and compare better process in the manufacture of bioethanol from yam.
A literature review
2.1 Gadung Tuber (Dioscorea hispida Dennst)
(A) (b)
Figure 1: Plant yam (a), yam tubers (b).
Classification of yam tubers
Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Liliopsida (dashed one / monocot)
Sub Class: Liliidae
Order: Liliales
Family: Dioscoreaceae
Genus: Dioscorea
Species: Dioscorea hispida Dennst
Yam is a plant perambat, aged chronic (perennial), length of + / - 10 m, hairy roots, woody stems, cylindrical, twisted, green, the inside a solid, smooth surfaces, spiked. Compound leaves, stalks, leaf litter three (trifoliolatus), green color, length of 20-25 cm, width of 1-12 cm, loose leaf blade thin, oval shape, tapered tip (acuminatus), base obtuse (obtusus), flat edge, pertulangan curved (dichotomous), coarse surface (scaber). Compound interest, the form of grain (Spica), emerged from the armpit leaves (axillary). Fruit oval, length + / - 1 cm. Yam tuber is readily available to the public because these plants can grow everywhere.
Dioscoreaceae or pseudo-yam tribe has many species such as: Dioscorea esculeata (L), D. alata and D. hispida (yam). Plant tubers Tumbi is now rarely found in the market. In many regions, known as yam celebrated flower (Manado), yam Ribo (West Sumatra), yam (Sunda), yam (Java); ghadhung (Madura), Skapa (BeIitung), Uwi (Sumbawa), pitur (Minahasa) , who (Bugis), sikapa (Napier), boti (Bread); lei (Kai), uhulibita, ulubita (CERAM); hayule, hayuru (Ambon).
Gadung (Dicoreaceae) are thought to originate from the Far East and quickly spread around the world. Only one known species known in Africa and Asia, but in fact there are about 600 species that grows in the tropics and subtropics. Despite only only 60 species that can be used as food. Of the 60 species, only 20 species membentukumbi and bulbil, including:
1. Dioscorea bulbifera is very prolific and widespread of the Atlantic coast of Africa to the surrounding islands of the Pacific.
2. Dioscorea nummularia found as wild plants and crops dayadi Philippines, Sabah, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua New Guinea, to the Pacific island of Tahiti.
3. Dioscorea pentaphila; encountered as wild plants and crops in India, China, Southeast Asia, to the Pacific Islands.
4. Dioscorea cayenensis (Uwi yellow, Papua New Guinea).
5. Dioscorea rotundata (white Uwi, Papua New Guinea).
6. Dioscorea trifida (Uwi America).
7. Dioscorea batatas (Uwi China).
8. Dioscorea dumetorum (Uwi grombol) or Uwi bitter in Africa).
9. Dioscorea hispida.
10. Dioscorea alata.
Plants can gadung body with environmental factors such as the conditions listed in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2, The environment in which plants grow yam.
Type Elevation (m asl) Temperature (oc) Rainfall (mm / yr) soil pH
D. bulbifera <2 .700="" 1000="" 25="" br="" span="">neutral = ""> D. numularia <2 .500="" 1000="" 25="" br="" span="">neutral = ""> D. pentaphila <2 .700="" 1000="" 25="" br="" span="">neutral = ""> D. alata <2 .500="" 1000="" 25="" br="" span="">neutral = ""> D. hispida <1 .200="" 22="" br=""> yam plants are generally not cultivated on a regular basis. 1>Planting a fairly regular basis there is in West Java, East Java and Lampung. The area is generally not cultivated yam is an area of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau, South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Maluku. Details of the level of maintenance of this yam plant is shown in Table 1.3.Table: 1.3, Maintenance Level Gadung Plant (%).No. Provincial Aquaculture Aquaculture regularly irregular Grows wild1. West Java 20 80 -2. Java Tengh 0100 -3. East Java 32.5 67.5 -4. D.I. Yogya 0 66 34 in the yard5. West Sumatra 0 0 1006. Jambi 0 0 100 on the edge of the forest7. South Kalimantan 0 0 100 in the woods and along the banks8. North Sulawesi 0 51 1009. South Sulawesi 0 0 100 in the forest10. Central Sulawesi 0 0 100 in the forest11. Maluku 100 0 -12. Lampung 30 70 013. Riau 0 0 100 in the yard and the riverside2.2 Growing Bulbs Gadunga. Seeds and planting timeYam tuber propagated by using tubers or seeds although propagation by cuttings is possible. Using tuber yields more satisfactory than with cuttings. Gadung should be planted early in the rainy season because it is not economical or yam tubers are not commonly grown in the area irrigated regularly. In the rainy season the area with less than 8 months, growers start up to 3 months before the arrival of the rainy season can increase the yield of 30%.b. MaintenanceBefore planting, the area using the NPK fertilized penenman few days before planting. Watering merukan things that are not common to irrigate crops. Rain is the most dependable source of water. Noteworthy is the cultivation of yam beetle pests chicken (Heteroligus claudius) that the larva stage consuming and yam tuber tissue Schoot beetle (Criocerts livida) were in stage larvae feed on the leaves of young leaves and canopies. Pest first typically addressed by crop rotation and planting slow (late planting). The second pest control spraying pyrethrum implement. The other is a caterpillar pests that cause tuber hardened (rot). While the mosaic is a disease that attacks the virus that causes white yam, yellow yam guinea I (the most deadly), water yam and Chinese yam.
Yam plants have four growth phases in its life cycle for 7-10 months, The first phase is the growth of roots and buds are memerlukanwaktu about six weeks, and continued until 10 weeks, then constant. The second phase is the formation of leaves and stems that require 6-10 weeks after planting and continue until 13 weeks. During the second phase, plant growth does not depend on the yam tuber tuber bibitnya.Pembentukan starting at week 10. The third phase, is the enlargement of tubers. phase to four plants start to turn yellow and die, dilanjutkandengan dormant period for 2-3 months.2.3. Starch or starchStarch or starch is a complex carbohydrate which is insoluble in water, form a white powder, tasteless and odorless. Starch is the main material produced by plants to store excess glucose (as a product of photosynthesis) in the long run. Animals and humans also make starch as an important energy source.Starch is composed of two kinds of carbohydrates, amylose and amylopectin, in a different composition. Amylose gives the hardness (pera) whereas amylopectin causes sticky properties. Amylose provide dense purple color on the test iodine whereas unreacted amylopectin. The explanation for this phenomenon has not been able to completely explain.In everyday language (sometimes even in the scientific literatures), the term "starch" is often confused with "flour" and "kanji". "Pati" (English starch) is a composer (main) flour. Flour may be impure only contain starch, because ter-/dicampur with proteins, preservatives, and so on. Rice flour containing rice starch, protein, vitamins, and other materials contained in the grains of rice. People can also get flour is a mixture of two or more starch. The word 'flour has more to do with the commodity economy. Confusion mention of starch with starch seems to happen because of the translation. The word 'to starch' from English it means 'starch' ('give kanji') in Malay / Indonesian, because starch is used.Starch is used as the material used for concentrating liquid foods such as soups and so on. In industry, starch is used as an adhesive component, a mixture of paper and textiles, and in the cosmetics industry.2.4 BioethanolBioethanol is a fuel from vegetable oils that have properties resembling premium oil. To substitute a premium, there are alternative gasohol which is a mixture of gasoline and ethanol. The benefits of the use of gasohol in Indonesia, namely: increase the resource base of liquid fuels, reduce fuel imports, strengthen the security of fuel supply, increase employment opportunities, potentially reducing income inequality between individuals and between regions, increase national capacity in agricultural and industrial technology, reduce the tendency of global warming and air pollution (environmental friendly fuel) and potentially encourage new export commodity. Bioethanol is a potential source of carbohydrates as raw materials such as yam, maize, cassava, sweet potato, sago palm and sugarcane pondoh.2.5 PetrolGasoline is one type of fuel intended for motor vehicles. Gasoline is available in three types of premium, Pertamax and Pertamax plus. All three have different quality. Quality of gasoline is associated with the number of beats (knocking) thereof and expressed with an octane rating. The fewer the better quality knock gasoline, octane value makintinggi.To determine the octane rating, defined as a comparison of the two types of compounds called "isooctane" and n-heptane. Isooctane produces a knock at least, given the octane rating of 100, while n-heptane produced beats most, given the octane rating of 0 (zero). A mixture consisting of 80% iso-octane and 20% n-heptane has an octane rating of (80/100 x 100) + (20/100 x 0) = 80.In general, the branched-chain alkanes having an octane rating higher than that of the chain isomer righteous.Pertamax only consist of compound isooctane and n-heptane, but the quality or number of beats required is equivalent to a mixture of isooctane and n-heptane. Premium has an octane rating of 88 and the first to have the octane rating of plus 95. Octane gasoline should be raised before it can be used as a vehicle fuel. This can be done by reforming or adding anti-knock agent. Reforming is a process to convert straight-chain alkanes into branched chains, thus will increase the octane rating.One of the anti-knock agent which is still used in our country is Tetraethyl Lead (TEL). These substances can increase the octane rating of 15 points, but it can result in black with the smoke of lead vehicle to be attached to the engine components. To prevent the black lead is not attached to the engine components are mixed well ethylene bromide, C2H4Br2. But this is precisely the result of lead bromide out with the fumes, which is highly toxic compounds that can damage the brain. And finally ethylene bromide compounds now renamed buthyl methyl tertiary ether (MTBE).
3.1 Method of WritingThis paper is written using descriptive qualitative method, which is a method of describing a phenomenon systematically, with results expressed not in terms of numbers (non-statistical).3.2. Primary Election attractions WritingSelection object writing this paper is based on:3.2.1. Gadung yam plant part which isplants are easy to grow and easy to find in almost allregions in Indonesia as well as easy to develop.3.2.2. The content of yam starch contained in a potential that can be exploited as a source of bioethanol.3.2.3. The solution to the energy crisis of fossil fuels with bioethanol as one alternative.
3.3. Time, Place and How it WorksWriting scientific papers began on June 25 through July 5, 2010 at SMAN2 Singingi. Literature study conducted in Department of Mathematics library unit, as well as extracting information via the internet.The workings of writing through several stages, namely:1. Excavation ideas, preparation of the necessary infrastructure.2. Search library supporting data, discussions with faculty mentors, and the analysis of literature and data.3. Improvement and assessment of content and presentation of scientific papers.3.4 Types of Data3.4.1. Secondary Data Derived from scientific articles, textbooks, as well as from the internet.3.4.2. Data Processed secondary data analysis supported by supporting data.3.5 Data Collection TechniquesData collection techniques used in the process of writing a scientific paper is through the study of literature (literature reseach). The author conducted a literature review in the form of text books, journals, articles on the Internet, and other sources relating to the formulation of the problem to be addressed.3.6 Method of Data AnalysisData analysis methods used in the writing of this paper is a qualitative descriptive analysis method, in which qualitative descriptive analysis is a method used to collect, process, and present data in a suitable form of presentation.
3.7 Systematics WritingWriting scientific papers using systematics as follows: Section I Introduction, Literature Review Chapter II, Chapter III Methodology writing, discussion Chapter IV and Chapter V Closing.
4.1. Analysis of IssuesYam starch content by 75%, so it has great potential as a source of bioethanol. Reactions that occur in the process of making bioethanol is simply as follows. The process of making bioethanol through several stages, the isolation of starch, hydrolysis of starch into glucose, or changes in glucose fermentation to ethanol or ethanol, and ethanol distillation.
1. Isolation of starch GadungThe process of making bioethanol from yam. yam starch as raw material peeled and cleaned of debris. Gadung then cut into small pieces and dried by sun-dried and aerated to dry. Dried banana weevil is aiming to be more durable and eliminate the water content thus obtained were dried yam and can be saved as a backup material. gadung dry milled or ground with a grinding machine with grinding so that it becomes a fine powder. Yam powder and then filtered or sieved to obtain a homogeneous starch.2. Hydrolysis of starch into glucoseThis stage is the most important stage in the process of making bioethanol, since the process is to determine the amount of glucose produced and then performed fermented into bioethanol. According Musanif, the principle of hydrolysis of starch is a starch polymer chain termination units monosaccharides are dextrose or glucose (C6H12O6). Termination of bonds in starch or carbohydrates into glucose can use several methods among which chemical methods (acid hydrolysis) and enzymatic methods (enzyme hydrolysis). Chemical method is done by hydrolysis of starch using organic acids, which are commonly used are H2SO4, HCl, and HNO3. The result is a mix of cuts by acid dextrin, maltose and glucose.Using the acid hydrolysis method has drawbacksof which are not environmentally friendly, because the residue resulting from the acid hydrolysis process will pollute the environment. According Hajiyah, the acid will result in products that are not environmentally friendly, increase the value of COD in water. Acid hydrolysis also be toxic if inhaled for a long time so it accumulates in the body and cause a variety of diseases can even cause death. Another drawback of the use of glucose resulting acid is relatively small. According doamidjojo, (1989), by acid hydrolysis of starch with glucose syrup only obtained with dextrose equivalent (DE) of 55, this is due to an acid catalyst hydrolyze only randomly. Conversion of acid to make glucose syrup with a DE above 55 will cause the sugar molecules recombine and generate a color-forming materials such as 5-hydroxymethyl furfural or levulinat acid (Judoamidjojo, 1989).The process of hydrolysis using an acid catalyst also requires a very high temperature so that hydrolysis can occur. According judoamidjojo, (1989), that require acid hydrolysis of starch with high temperatures, ie 120 - 160oC. Based on these weaknesses starch using acid hydrolysis process is rarely used. Starch hydrolysis method is more commonly used is enzymatically by using enzymes. The enzyme amylase is commonly used, such as amylase and glucoamylase. amylase can hydrolyze the 1,4-glucoside bondspecifically. The results are passed by glucoamylase hydrolysis can mengidrolisis 1,4-glucoside bond and 1,6-glucoside produce glucose. Glucoamylase enzymatic hydrolysis to be added in the process of converting starch into glucose more produced, as glucoamylase on starch can break the bond that has not been interrupted by the addition of amylase. Glucoamylase can hydrolyze bonds 1.4 - glucoside, but the results of glucose that have the opposite configuration with the results of hydrolysis by amylase, so that the resulting glucose will increase or overflow.The enzyme amylase can be obtained from plants (barley sprouts, sweet potatoes, soybeans, and wheat), and of the animals found in the pancreas gland. Both enzyme is a potential source for the production of enzymes, because plants and animals have some weaknesses to serve as a source of enzyme. Enzymes from plants by Hajiyah (2005), depending on seasonal variations, low concentration, and high process costs, while the enzyme from animals have a limited supply and competition with humans for another use, so need to find a source that is able to produce the enzyme in high amount and economically advantageous. Microorganisms are the most widely used in the enzyme, because it is easy for microorganisms cultivated and economically profitable. According Fibriyantama (2005), microorganisms can be used as a good source of enzymes for other than economic benefits, microorganisms have the life cycle is relatively short so that productivity can be improved.Amylase enzyme-producing microorganisms can be bacteria and molds. Bacteria that can produce amylase among B. Subtilis, B. licheniformis, Aspergillus sp., Bacillus sp., and Bacillus circulans (Arcinthya, 2007). The bacteria produce thermostable amylase which is namely, the enzyme can be activated or work in high temperatures so that the hydrolysis process will become easier and faster with the help of heat or temperature, so the bond approval process easier polysaccharides. Glucoamylase hydrolysis product produced has a sweeter taste than the products of hydrolysis using hydrochloric acid and oxalic acid, in addition to the use of glucoamylase can prevent side reactions because the enzyme is very specific catalysts (Judoamidjojo, et al, 1992).The use of amylase in step likuifikasi produce DEhigh of 50.83 on amylase concentration 1.75 U / g of starch with likuifikasi time 210 minutes, and glucoamylase saccharification stage produces the highest DE 98.99 on enzyme concentration 0.3 U / g starch saccharification time of 48 hours (Jamil Musanif, 2008).Therefore, the use of enzymatic hydrolysis are more prospects because of more environmentally friendly, economically viable, specific, so the amount of glucose produced abundant and produces no waste compared to the use of hydrolysis using an acid catalyst.
3. Fermentation of glucose to ethanolThe process of hydrolysis of starch by enzymatic method and the method of acid catalyst will produce glucose as the manufacture of bioethanol. Bioethanol produced can be used as an alternative fuel for the energy crisis. Making ethanol from glucose involves the fermentation process. Fermentation is a change of 1 mol of glucose to 2 moles of ethanol and 2 moles of CO2. The fermentation process is done by adding yeast or yeast to convert glucose into ethanol is an anaerobic, requiring no okasigen (O2).Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most widely used microorganisms in fermentation alcohol because of high production, resistant to high levels of alcohol, resistant to high sugar levels and remain active in activities at 4 - 32oC (Kartika et al, 1992). S. cereviceae will metabolize glucose and fructose to form pyruvic acid through the stages of the reaction at point-Meyerhof-Parnas embden. Pyruvic acid, subsequently undergo decarboxylation reaction to acetaldehyde and undergo dehydrogenation reactions into bioethanol (Musanif, 2008).4. Distillation BioethanolBioethanol fermentation process results separated by filtered, and the filtrate is distilled so that bioethanol can be produced that is free of contaminants or impurities formed during the fermentation process. Bioethanol is produced from the first distillation typically have levels of 95%. According Musanif (2008), distillation is the process of separating the components by boiling point, boiling point of pure ethanol at 78oC, while the water is 100 ° C, by heating the solution at a temperature range of 78 - 100 ° C will result in most of the ethanol evaporates, and through the condensing unit will be produced concentration of 95% ethanol by volume. Ethanol with a concentration of 95% can not be used as fuel. According Nurdyastuti (2008), which is used as a mixture of bioethanol fuel for vehicles must be completely dry and the substance that is not corrosive, so it must have a grade bioethanol by 99.5 - 100% volume. Therefore, bioethanol distillation must be added a substance that can absorb or attract moisture content is still present in bioethanol, a material commonly used among which, CaCO3, and zeolite vacuum distillation or done, so it can be produced more pure bioethanol that can be as fuel.Bioethanol has many benefits because it is mixed with gasoline at any composition of a positive impact in reducing emissions generated by fossil fuels (gasoline). Mixing 10% absolute ethanol with 90% gasoline is often called gasohol E-10 which has a 92 octane premium compared to just 87-88. Bioethanol is known as Octan enhancers (additives) are the most environmentally friendly than Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and Methyl Tertiary Buthyl Ether (MTBE) (Anonymous, 2008).
CHAPTER VCONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS5.1. Conclusion5.1.1. gadung have prospects as a source of bioethanol using acid and enzymatic hydrolysis method.5.1.2. The enzymatic hydrolysis process is a better process than hydrolysis with acid catalyst.5.2. SuggestionGadung potential applications as a source of manufacture of bioethanol need to do further research on the analysis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of bioethanol.
Arcinthya, R. R. , 2007. Characterization of Crude Extracts Amylase Bacterial IsolatesProduced by the fungus Aspergillus oryzae 6005. Thesis Faculty of Science andDepartment of Engineering Mathematics Chemistry Program Unsoed. Navan.Frazier, W.C and W.C. Westhoff. 1978. Food Microbiology. Mc Graw Hill2>2>2>2>
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