
The characteristics of the soil in Indonesia

The characteristics of the soil in Indonesia

The characteristics of the soil can be explained as follows:
1) Have a thickness of more than 50 cm. Land as contained in the flat to undulating. The land terbantuk of rock weathering caused by factors such as alluvial sedimentation. The land has a horizon A to C or O horizon forest areas have to C.
2) In areas that have a slope as steep slopes rather thin soil thickness. Thin thickness of the soil in this area due to erosion or erosion by rainwater that falls on the slopes of the mountains.
3) color of the soil in Indonesia varied as black, red, gray, brown or a mixture. Red and brown soil is influenced by iron and high oxidation rate. ground gray areas contained in draenasenya always flooded (very good). The soil is red and has a good draenase Fe oxides conditions.
4) chemical composition of the soil is sometimes different from its parent rock due to the oxide, hydrolysis process,
(A) The process of oxidation is a chemical reaction that causes loss of electrons (negative charge) either through the addition of oxygen and without oxygen. The process of oxidation occurs because rocks contain iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn).
(B) The process of hydraulic rock mediated by the results of the ionization of water that serves as a weak acid into H + ions (acid reaction) and OH (reaction base).
(C) The process is a process of acidification osiladisis function accelerates the weathering of rock.
(D) The process of dissolution is the natural process of dissolution by water.
5) On-prone areas are like Borneo, eastern Sumatra, and Papua southern bgian formed acid sulfate soil and peat (historal) formed from organic material. This land needs to be made in raklamasi before agricultural land by making the channel setting to eliminate toxic elements for plants.
6) Soil texture in Indonesia varied, ranging from coarse to fine texture.
(A) such as soil texture is coarse sand, clay sand.
(B) somewhat rough texture like tnah sandy loam.
(C) The texture is not rough and not slippery like clay.
(D) Fine texture like clay dust.

7) On the island of Java and a few places outside Java such as North Sulawesi and South Sulawesi, there are soils derived from volcanic material. This land around the volcano and there is generally a fertile soil because it contains minerals that are easily weathered and rich in nutrients such as K, Ca, Mg, and so on.
Outside the island of Java is found that soils derived from marine sedimentary rock parent materials are very old, such as clay rocks da old limestone.

The process of soil formation begins with the weathering of rock weathering, both physical and chemical weathering. Of the weathering process, the rock will become soft and change its composition. At this stage the weathered rock is not considered a soil, but the soil material (ragolith) because it still shows the structure of the parent rock weathering process continues until finally bahaninduk land turned into soil. So the factors that drive weathering also plays a role in soil formation. What are those factors?
Rainfall and sunshine instrumental in the physical weathering processes, both factors are components of the climate that can be summed up one of the factors is iklm soil formation. Is that just two factors that affect soil formation? There are other factors that influence soil formation processes that organisms, topography and time the parent material. These factors can be formulated as follows:
T = F (i.o.b.t.w) ket: T = ground
f = factor
i = Climate
b = parent material
t = topographic
w = time
A. by bahn parent home soil
The rock is the origin of soil parent materials can be divided into four, namely as berukut:
1) igneous
These rocks formed from magma that freezes. can be divided into frozen rock on, rock material and rock in the alley
2) Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks are sedimentary rocks. These rocks consist of:
A) old rock deposits, a marine sediment-old old (millions of years).
- Limestone rocks (limestone) that contains rust sea.
- Sandstone contains quartz sand (SiO2)
B) new sediment material (not to stone)
This material is deposited by water and wind. Materials deposited by water terdapatdi alluvial plains or flood plains, while the material in endapkan by angina are on the coast, mountain areas and so on.

3) rock metemorf
rocks derived from igneous and sedimentary due Setra pressure and high-temperature long time, transformed into other types of rock such as limestone to marble.

4) host rock organic
Organic soils or peat swamp forest are always flooded. The process of organic material penghancuiran run slower than on the process of accumulation, resulting in the accumulation of organic material to form organic soil or peat. For example, in Borneo, eastern Sumatra, and the southern part of Papua.

B. Based pedogenesisnya
Based pedogenesisnya, soil formation process is divided into two, as follows:
1) Transfer form (transformation)
This process takes time and is caused by weathering, dokomposisi (change) and humifiksi organic material (humus land change process). All of these processes contribute to the formation of soils derived from parent materials mineraldan organic. This process runs in stages giving rise to a real distinction t5anah horizon. An example is the accumulation of humus in the soil surface.
2) Transfer the place
This process is associated with changes in the body and mixing soil resulting in the development of the soil profile. The main cause is the percolation (infiltration of water into the ground), erosion, evapotranspiration (combination of evaporation of water through the body of water and vegetation) and the stagnation of water (water's silence on the soil pores or cracks in the soil specific) and human activities, and soil fauna. Translocation shows the displacement at a longer distance (mm to m). example is the movement of clay minerals, salts of alkali with water percolation, displacement humic compounds in the form of soluble compounds and soil erosion due to water movement in the soil surface.

C) Based on the weathering process
Based pelapukannya process, the process of land pembentuikan divided into three, namely physical weathering, chemical weathering, and biological weathering.
1) physical weathering
Physical weathering is a mechanical process that causes massive rocks disintegrate into small particles without any chemical change. This process is due to a drastic change in sushu, rain, tree roots, and the activity of living organisms. Consequently crushed rock and turned into the soil. An example is the volcanic soil and the soil pedsolik.

2) Chemical Weathering
Chemical weathering is a process of change in chemical composition and mineral constituent rock fragments. Examples of chemical weathering is the entry of rain water that contains chemical elements into the limestone causing cracks formed limestone.

3) Biological Weathering
Biological weathering the weathering caused by living organisms. The destruction caused by an rock roots rock menenbus plants, and animals such as termites and earthworms. Consequently rocks turn into soil.

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