

Gravity powered water pump that can pump water from a well without the need for fuel and electricity would be a dream of all people. Already there are many junior experimenter who drew the design and create prototype in the form of miniature and full scale.
Consultation with the master mechanics have been done. Calculations also been carried out and the results are very sure that the pump can certainly work due to the weight of water in the drum (4) is much greater than the weight of the water in the pipe leading to the well (3). All had seemed perfect and stayed tested. But unfortunately, the dream was shattered when the prototype should not be working as expected. Without the relentless, reopened design drawings, the figures are recalculated, and the connections checked if there's a leak. But none error or blemish to be found. It was decided to replace the pipe with different sizes, leading to a smaller wells replaced while the valve was replaced towards the larger. After trying again, but the result is nil and the pump still does not work. After several trial and error, finally the junior experimenter frustrated and give up because of a painful without ever knowing why. Since then, the experimenter junior explorers to choose the technology and stop being ordinary people back into it again and status menangalkan eksperimenternya. Such was about experienced some bitter experience experimenter who never made a gravity powered water pump as shown. Time, energy, thought, and money is wasted with no results.
If the experimenter is willing to study fluid mechanics, would be able to find the problem that caused the failure of the pump without any frustration. Landslide mistake he did was wrong to identify the variables that affect the system designed are:• According to the assumptions, the total gravity of water that will work on the system. The principle is like a seesaw, if the power is greater than the load it can surely lift. Once calculated, the power (m2 x h2) is greater than the weight (m1 x h1). In conclusion, the pump can certainly work.• In fact the system is working and not based on the principle of a seesaw or a lever but by the principles of fluid mechanics. So only the hydrostatic pressure and atmospheric pressure are the effect on the system, while total water gravity did not affect the system works. If counted, it was the pressure that drives the water from C to B is greater than the pressure that pushes water from A to B so that water may flow to a C. Thus, the pump will never work.
In case of failure Stika ABADI other experiments, such errors also occur in identifying the variables that affect the system. But it will be discussed in another article if anyone is curious. Thanks and regards experiments.
(... Continued on part 2)GRAVITY POWER WATER PUMP (2)

Interest of the experimenter to design and prototype Gravity Power Water Pumps from time to time never subsided. With the increase in fuel prices and the increase in TDL, interest turned into an obsession based on the belief that Gravity Power Water Pump is one alternative to address the energy problem is prolonged. Even in the eighties, there was one TV station that broadcast the successful trial of a prototype that is believed by many people. Most people are very impressed with the spectacular discovery. Imagine, with the Gravity Power Water Pumps, one can raise the water from the well to the surface without the need for fuel and electricity. Stay swivel faucet, the water will rise from the well through the pipes and drums and out of the faucet into the tub or bucket.
Then the idea was developed further to create a pump with a large size. With the pump size, the amount of water produced is also bigger so it can be used to drive a turbine or water turbine. Furthermore, windmill or turbine to drive a generator that can produce electricity. To conserve water, the water that has been used to turn turbines or turbine returned to the well to be pumped again to form a cycle. So overall, the system can be regarded as the gravitational power plant can produce electricity without fuel. It is a brilliant idea, which must be supported by the wider community who are experiencing an energy crisis.
Amid the optimism and euphoria supporters Gravity Power Water Pumps, it appeared that there were a few skeptics experimenter with such a brilliant idea. I was one of the most industrious argue that the idea is impossible to realize because it goes against the laws of nature. The first law of nature is fighting is that the water in the pipe system can only flow from a higher pressure toward the lower pressure. Of that I have discussed in my previous article. The second law of nature is fighting the law of conservation of mechanical energy. The law is clear and simple, and in the context of gravity pumps can not be wrong.
To move an object to a higher level, the same amount of effort required to change the mechanical potential energy of the object. So to move the water from the well to the surface the higher effort required, the necessary energy from outside the system. So Gravity Power Water Pumps like in the picture might not work because there is no energy input from outside the system.
In addition to the impossibility based on pressure analysis and analysis of mechanical energy, there is also a discrepancy in terms of socialization and commercialization of the pump type. Gravity Power Water Pump was first published in the eighties or about 20 years ago. If the findings are patented at that time also, the patent has been or almost expired. Awkward, pump until now has never been produced and marketed to the general public but have been found long ago. Similarly, none of the sort of science agencies LIPI, BPPT, as well as universities and manufacturers who claim that Gravity Power Water Pumps like the picture and its variants can work in accordance with the design abstraction. Therefore, I conclude that the news of the discovery of Gravity Power Water Pump is spectacular news is a lie (HOAX, Hoak .... Hoak .... I was going to throw up .... sorry). Regarding Dengah it, I opened the opportunity for all netizens who have information relating to the Gravity Power Water Pumps for share information in this forum. Such information can include the URL, the name of the institution, or the names of people who have physical evidence or documentation on Gravity Power Water Pumps.
Thanks and regards experiments.PUMP WATER POWER GRAVITY (3)
February 24, 2009 at 4:20 pm (Experiment, Energy, Science and Technology)
Intrigued by the many coment on my previous two articles, namely PUMP WATER PUMP WATER POWER and POWER GRAVITY GRAVITY (2), so I'm posting again which investigated the issue further. Not to extend further the already lengthy discussion and colored some sophist, but to clarify the real issue to be seated no misunderstanding about the issues being discussed and my purpose to discuss the issue.
First, I need to straighten that is what I mean by the term Gravity Power Water Pump is a water pump design or principle works the exact same or similar to the picture in my previous post. According to some, the pump as it is believed to increase electricity and water without any energy input is not required except when filling the pipe with water drum and the first time or free-tis. So, I mean obviously the pump is not pumping Hidram (Hydraulic Ram) as alleged by some comenter, although Hidram pump also uses gravitational potential energy to operate. Hidram pump energy obtained from the mechanical energy of water as it slides through the pipe rapidly cause some (minor) water up through the pipe introduction to higher ground. In hidram pump, the amount of mechanical energy contained in the water that goes higher than the amount of mechanical energy contained in the water that is raised so as not against the natural law (the law of conservation of energy).
A few days ago when I was looking for references about PLTGL (Sea Wave Power Plant), I accidentally get an article entitled circulatory GRAVITY PUMP (Electricity Saving Tips) written by brother ading LPMP Mulyadi in West Java website (Institute for Quality Assurance Education West Java). In the piece, described in detail on how to make the workings of the circulatory pumps and gravity that comes with a very clear picture. In the last section, diruraikan also advantages and disadvantages of these tools. Without prejudice to respect my brother Mulyadi ading and without prejudice to my appreciation for his efforts to write the article, I believe that the circulatory GRAVITY PUMP made following the instructions in the article would never be able to work as expected. That is because the circulatory working principle is against the natural law (the law of conservation of energy), as well as ENERGY GRAVITY WATER PUMP I have described. The workings of the circulatory PUMP gravity is exactly the same principle with the workings GRAVITY POWER WATER PUMP, and they are also believed to be able to work without the input of energy from outside except during water filling first course. If you try, the result will be the same course that will be out of water for a while, then stopped after pressure equilibrium is reached. Thus, the discharge of water (for a while) is not at all prove that the tool "has successfully worked" but then stalled for some reason. Similarly in AIR PUMP POWER GRAVITY, discharge water long enough and a lot (even up to 1 drum) also does not prove anything because the pressure balance will be achieved after all the water in the drum out and replaced by air if it is not equipped with a goose neck or in the event of leakage. If equipped goose neck and there is no leak, the pressure balance is achieved when the drum has stopped mengempes. If the vertical height of the water column exceeds the limit that can be arrested by the atmospheric pressure (sktr 10 meters or more), it will create a vacuum at the top of the pipe and drum when pressure equilibrium is reached.
On another occasion, I also found a powerpoint presentation files (. Ppt) on the blog an environmental NGO Circle of Conscience, written by brothers H. Muhammadun Adam (director in charge of energy and mineral resources). The presentation titled PILOT POWER PLANT PROJECT MADE WATERFALL (PLT ATB) is presented the problem of scarcity of energy (electricity), the weaknesses of the existing power system, and propose a solution called PLT ATB. With verbal explanation (not with pictures), you Muhammadun H. Adam describes the invention which is based on a combination of law and law related vessel Pascal. Without prejudice to respect my brother Muhammadun H. Adam and without diminishing my appreciation for his efforts to make presentations throughout the 29 slides, I believe that PLT ATB will never be able to work as expected. The problem, again, is that against the law of nature (the law of conservation of energy). In addition, there is a discrepancy in the condition of the vessel related to the merger law Pascal law. The law applies if the pressure vessel related air (or gas) above the surface of the water (or liquid) equal, as in the open air or in a vacuum. While Pascal's law is only valid if the water (or liquid) are in a closed room as applied to hydraulic and pneumatic systems. In open space, additional pressure can only be done by increasing the vertical height of the water column that raises the hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of the vessel. Because the slide is not equipped explanation drawing / sketching, then I find it hard to imagine what the design of the PLT ATB which is believed to work continuously without the need for external energy input.
In principle, the circulatory PUMP or GRAVITY ATB PLT can be classified in a genre or overunity perpetual Stika is believed to work continuously without any external energy input. Some are even believed to produce energy out of nothing (creating energy) as PLT ATB, Parendev Motor, Hummingbird / Sundance generator, and so on. The design and the workings of the device there is a similar and those that are different from one another. The driving force is used in general is one or a combination of permanent magnets, electromagnets, gravity, air pressure, air pressure, buoyancy forces, capillary forces, and so on. Some of the design is even patented by its inventor. What's interesting (or strange), as yet none of these tools are mass produced or that we find in the general market. If only Stika lasting (perpetual engine) that have tried to make people since hundreds of years ago can work as often claimed by the inventor, then the world will certainly secure the peace and tranquility because there will be no energy crisis and no war for oil. But that is only because it is against the law of nature otopia (conservation of energy) that have been enacted since the universe was formed and will continue to be valid for the universe is still there, no matter we believe it or not.
Conducting experiments on Stika lasting (perpetual engine) of any kind, is not a crime and may even promote science and technology. However, if used for public deception fraud moreover, clearly an act that can not be justified. Therefore, people should be critical of those who claim to have discovered a technology that can produce energy (mainly electricity) without the input of energy from outside the system or the discovery of a new type of fuel (whatever his name) is made (synthesized) from materials contain the elements carbon and hydrogen, or who are already in a state of low energy (water, carbon dioxide, etc.). If there are netizens who obtain information about such claims, could inform us on this forum for analysis and critics together. If the findings made sense (not contrary to the laws of nature) we adan support, and if not we will make sense as a surgeon which part makes no sense. If inventors persisted despite essentially weak, we must be ready for an argument. If the inventor loses the argument but still ngeyel well, we could invite the relevant tools to demonstrate in public. Before and after the demo tool, of course, careful examination tool to prevent the possibility of a hidden component for supplying energy. Thus, the public is no longer a victim of public deception and fraud that can harm people and the state. We must learn from the case of fraud by Dennis Lee at Hummingbird / Sundance generator in the United States and Canada who have made millions. We must learn from the case Djoko Suprapto with Power Jodipati and Blue Energy that embarrass our nation and reap billions of dollars. How about Mechanical Power Gravity Djoko findings Pasiro??? We await further news, good brother M. Mahfud remain steadfast in the struggle to establish the rationality of science in a society that tends to think / act in an irrational panic that the energy crisis was not clear until when.
