1.1 Background Issues
Intensification of agriculture is a policy taken by the government to meet their food needs. In line with the growth of population in Indonesia, the problem of crop damage in the cultivation of the ancients to the present are pests. The farmers in combating pests prefer to find an alternative that is practical use of inorganic pesticides. Dependence of farmers on inorganic pesticides have a great impact on human survival and the surrounding environment.
One of the environmental impact is considerable danger of inorganic pesticide exposure and poisoning. Low level of education of farmers led to a lack of knowledge of farmers on the use of inorganic pesticides. Some growers use inorganic pesticides regardless of dosage has been determined. Thus causing environmental problems, making the quality of the environment is lowered.
Not only humans are affected but also inorganic pesticides can pollute the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. The presence of pesticides in the water due to the use of pesticides that do not obey the rules. Water pollution can also be caused by the rain that dissolves pesticides from agricultural areas, which finally got into the aquatic ecosystem pollution of water resources by pesticides is the flow of water from agricultural areas, especially during the rainy season. At high levels of pesticides can kill jazad that live in the water. Pesticides such as the persistence of high organochlorine group despite the low concentrations can enter the food chain and experiencing the elevated levels (biological magnification) to the degree that deadly (Coutney, 1973). On the lives of phytoplankton, paraquat treatment at a dose of 1.0 ppm for 4 hours can reduce the productivity of 53%, diquat treatment with the same dose interval of 48 hours of lower productivity 45%, while at a dose of 1.0 ppm diuran in 4 hours to reduce productivity 87% (Pimentel, 1974).
In the presence of pesticides in the lithosphere lithospheric layer is related to the depth of the soil, where the outermost layer of the soil is considered a part of the lithosphere, especially in agricultural areas polluted many pesticides. Meanwhile, in the atmosphere, pesticides are used throughout the world has led to the deployment of more ekososfir peresisten throughout the world. The atmosphere has been postulated as a main route of spread to the whole world. Pesticides released into nature in particulate form or in the form of vapor from the user, in general terpatriasi pesticides in the atmosphere in the form of vapor and particulates.
Inorganic pesticides also have an impact on plants, vertebrates and invertebrate animals. In plants, application of pesticides at low levels (sublethal) can influence plant resistance to bullies. therefore imperfect spraying may cause long-term effects are unpredictable. In vertebrate animals, Moore (1974) suggested that birds of prey mice and Tyto alba Falcon tininuculus much contaminated by pesticides due to prey on mice that had been eating bait mixed grains dieldrin, while Jefferies (1972) suggested that the type of bat Pipistrellus, Plocetius and Myotis found to contain residues of organochlorine many types of DDE (± 10.68 ppm), DDT (± 4.62 ppm) and dieldrin (± 0.29 ppm) in the heart organ. In Indonesia, the impact of the side effects of the application of DDT and DDE metabolites showed a negative correlation between DDT residues in duck egg and egg shell thickness. This suggests that at the time of measurement, the effect is not significant pesticide residues pollute ducks in Indonesia (Koeman, 1974). In amphibians such as frogs, pollution can alter behavior and morphological abnormalities especially towards the tail and snout (Cooke, 1970).
In invertebrate animals, Palpp (1976) suggested that the side effects of the use of inorganic pesticides on animals may be the onset of formation inveterbrata immunity (resistance) or resurgence. Establishment of immunity occurs through several mechanisms such as changes asetilkolines-alignment, reduced absorption, resistance to growth regulators (growth regulator), resistance to pyrethroids, immunity against organophosphates and carbamates metabolism and immunity to pesticide compounds berklor. Szeics et al. (1973) found that skin absorption of insecticides by insects increase with polarity. It is observed in experiments on Heliothis virescens, but decreased absorption can occur and is mekanisnme immunity. Although the above mechanism can not be described in detail, but observations on larval Heliothis zea older seem more resistant than younger (Gast, 1961).
Pesticides greatest influence on soil faunah destruction was an insecticide in the appeal of other pesticides such as herbicides and fungicides. Insecticides are the most widely used is berklor hydrocarbons and organophosphates. Berklor hydrocarbons can cause reduction in the population of prey mite populations colembola colembola so developed, otherwise the compound of the type of aldrin and its derivatives the effect is not too significant decrease mite populations (Sheals, 1956).
In addition to the above problems, inorganic pesticides is expensive. Of information and literature that writers get, some small farmers in Central Java has been used as an organic pesticide yam tubers. Tubers of yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) is one of the types of tubers are usually used by farmers to drive the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in rice (Oryza sativa). Based on the above background, the authors are interested in doing research related to the benefits of yam tubers as one organic pesticides that are environmentally friendly as a replacement for inorganic pesticides.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Is yam tubers (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) can be used as organic pesticides that are environmentally friendly substitute for inorganic pesticides?
1.3 Objectives Research
Scientific research paper aims to find an alternative substitute inorganic pesticides that have a harmful impact on the environment.
2.1 Pesticides
Pesticides are substances used to control, resist, luring or eradicate pests. The name is derived from the pest ("bugs") are given the suffix-cide ("killers"). The goal of all sorts, such as insects, rodents, weeds, birds, mammals, fish, or microbes that are considered disruptive. According to FAO & PP RI No. 1986. 7, 1973, the definition of pesticides is a mixture of chemicals used to prevent, eradicate and mengendalikakn animals / plants bullies like rodents, including insects spreading disease, with the aim of human welfare. PP No. RI. 6, 1995, has the sense that peatisida is a substance or chemical compound, a substance the body and stimulating growth regulators, other materials, as well as microorganisms or viruses used for protection. In addition there are two opinions on the other opinions that of the U.S. EPA, the pesticide is a substance or mixture of substances used for preventing, destroying, resist pests or enemies in the form of animals, plants and microorganisms bullies.
Terms of pesticides is to kill quickly and efficiently, cheaply and easily available in the market, favoring the use of a broad, stable chemical composition (having residual effects), a selective, non-flammable, easy to prepare, do not damage the goods, clean, not issued odor unpleasant and less effect on warm-blooded animals.
According to the function of pesticides were divided into three groups, namely: insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Theoretically, insecticides are chlorinated carbon compounds, as well organosfor organoclor used to combat pests and diseases caused by insects (Insecta). Examples organoclor is Metoksiclor, DDT, and Dieldrin Aidrin. Herbicides are chemical compounds used to inhibit or kill other plants that interfere with the main crops in the farming system. Based on the basic constituent substances are divided into two groups, the first non-nitrogen-based herbicides, which consists of: arsenic, asarn Akifatik, phenoxy acid and Organosfor. Secondly, based Nitrogen, which are: Acid pyrimidine, triazine nitrile, Urea, phenol Uracil, bipyridine, carbamates, carbamates Trio, Amazin, etc..
Other pesticides are fungicides. Fungicides are chemicals used to kill and inhibit the growth of fungi that affect plants. Common uses are still considered did not significantly affect the environment as its base material is almost the same as the basic branches Herbicides but the dose and very low concentrations. A common example used is fungsisida cloro bensena Hex, Mercury Phenyl acetate, terbeenzidiol, and others.
According to Watterson (1988), there are many classification / types of pesticides on the market and always used both addressed to the animals, plants and microorganisms jazad, controlling insects and animals as pests potentially tananam (OPT) is an insecticide, rodenticides, molusisida, avisida, and mitisida. While the control jazad organisms such as a bactericide, fungicide, algisida. In addition there are chemical compounds that are just as insect repellent (insect repellent), and conversely some are actually attract insects to come (insect attractant) and no one can spay insects (Table 1.1).
Table 1.1. Pesticides Types and Usefulness
Type of pesticides
Function and Usefulness
Control and insect control
Kill the grass (weeds)
Kill fungi
Killing nematodes
Killing rats
Kill bacteria
Killing spiders
Kill algae
Killing the myth
Killing moloska
Repel birds
Controlling fish
Destroying eggs
Destroying or dangerous menonaktifkanmikroorganisme
Growth regulator
Stimulate / inhibit the growth of
Penggugur leaf
Repel insects, termites, dogs and cats
Attract insects
Menseterilisasi insects
Sources: Watterson (1988)
2.2 Gadung Tuber (Dioscorea hispida Dennst)
(A) (b)
Figure 1: Plant yam (a), yam tubers (b).
Classification of yam tubers
Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Liliopsida (dashed one / monocot)
Sub Class: Liliidae
Order: Liliales
Family: Dioscoreaceae
Genus: Dioscorea
Species: Dioscorea hispida Dennst
Yam is a plant perambat, aged chronic (perennial), length of + / - 10 m, hairy roots, woody stems, cylindrical, twisted, green, the inside a solid, smooth surfaces, spiked. Compound leaves, stalks, leaf litter three (trifoliolatus), green color, length of 20-25 cm, width of 1-12 cm, loose leaf blade thin, oval shape, tapered tip (acuminatus), base obtuse (obtusus), flat edge, pertulangan curved (dichotomous), coarse surface (scaber). Compound interest, the form of grain (Spica), emerged from the armpit leaves (axillary). Fruit oval, length + / - 1 cm. Yam tuber is readily available to the public because these plants can grow everywhere.
Dioscoreaceae or pseudo-yam tribe has many species such as: Dioscorea esculeata (L), D. alata and D. hispida (yam). Plant tubers Tumbi is now rarely found in the market. In many regions, known as yam celebrated flower (Manado), yam Ribo (West Sumatra), yam (Sunda), yam (Java); ghadhung (Madura), Skapa (BeIitung), Uwi (Sumbawa), pitur (Minahasa) , who (Bugis), sikapa (Napier), boti (Bread); lei (Kai), uhulibita, ulubita (CERAM); hayule, hayuru (Ambon).
Gadung (Dicoreaceae) are thought to originate from the Far East and quickly spread around the world. Only one known species known in Africa and Asia, but in fact there are about 600 species that grows in the tropics and subtropics. Despite only only 60 species that can be used as food. Of the 60 species, only 20 species membentukumbi and bulbil, including:
1. Dioscorea bulbifera is very prolific and widespread of the Atlantic coast of Africa to the surrounding islands of the Pacific.
2. Dioscorea nummularia found as wild plants and crops dayadi Philippines, Sabah, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua New Guinea, to the Pacific island of Tahiti.
3. Dioscorea pentaphila; encountered as wild plants and crops in India, China, Southeast Asia, to the Pacific Islands.
4. Dioscorea cayenensis (Uwi yellow, Papua New Guinea).
5. Dioscorea rotundata (white Uwi, Papua New Guinea).
6. Dioscorea trifida (Uwi America).
7. Dioscorea batatas (Uwi China).
8. Dioscorea dumetorum (Uwi grombol) or Uwi bitter in Africa).
9. Dioscorea hispida.
10. Dioscorea alata.
Plants can gadung body with environmental factors such as the conditions listed in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2, The environment in which plants grow yam.
Elevation (m asl)
Temperature (oc)
Rainfall (mm / year)
soil pH
D. bulbifera
<2700 br="">
D. numularia
<2500 br="">
D. pentaphila
<2700 br="">
D. alata
<2500 br="">
D. hispida
<1200 br="">
1200>22.7 to 35
<1200 br="">
1200>Yam plants are generally not cultivated on a regular basis. Planting a fairly regular basis there is in West Java, East Java and Lampung. The area is generally not cultivated yam is an area of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau, South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Maluku. Details of the level of maintenance of this yam plant is shown in Table 1.3.
Table: 1.3, Maintenance Level Gadung Plant (%).
Raising regularly
Raising irregular
Growing wild
West Java
Java Tengh
East Java
D.I. Yogya
34 in yard
West Sumatra
100 on the edge of the forest
South Kalimantan
100 in the woods and along the banks
North Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
100 in the forest
Central Sulawesi
100 in the forest
100 in the yard and the riverside
2.3 Growing Bulbs Gadung
a. Seeds and planting time
Yam tuber propagated by using tubers or seeds although propagation by cuttings is possible. Using tuber yields more satisfactory than with cuttings. Gadung should be planted early in the rainy season because it is not economical or yam tubers are not commonly grown in the area irrigated regularly. In the rainy season the area with less than 8 months, growers start up to 3 months before the arrival of the rainy season can increase the yield of 30%.
b. Maintenance
Before planting, the area using the NPK fertilized penenman few days before planting. Watering merukan things that are not common to irrigate crops. Rain is the most dependable source of water. Noteworthy is the cultivation of yam yam beetle pests (Heteroligus claudius) that the larva stage consuming and yam tuber tissue Schoot beetle (Criocerts livida) were in stage larvae feed on the leaves of young leaves and canopies. Pest first typically addressed by crop rotation and planting slow (late planting). The second pest control spraying pyrethrum implement. The other is a caterpillar pests that cause tuber hardened (rot). While the mosaic is a disease that attacks the virus that causes white yam, yellow yam guinea I (the most deadly), water yam and Chinese yam.
Yam plants have four growth phases in its life cycle for 7-10 months,
v The first phase is the growth of roots and buds are memerlukanwaktu about six weeks, and continued until 10 weeks, then constant.
v The second phase is the formation of leaves and stems that require 6-10 weeks after planting and continue until 13 weeks. During the second phase, plant growth does not depend on the yam tuber tuber bibitnya.Pembentukan starting at week 10.
v The third phase, is the enlargement of tubers.
v phase to four plants start to turn yellow and die, dilanjutkandengan dormant period for 2-3 months.
Yam plant can be an organic pesticide compounds that contain toxins that can kill pests is (C13H19O2N) and cyanide (HCN). Yam can meet the energy needs of the body and good to eat, as long as the content of the poison is neutralized. Cyanide is a chemical compound containing the cyano group C ≡ N, with the carbon atom bonded to the nitrogen atoms of three. CN Group can be found in many compounds. Some are gas, and the other is solid or liquid. Some like-salt, some covalent. Several molecular, some ionic, and many also polymeric. That can release cyanide ion CN-cyanide is highly toxic. This cyanide when consumed in large amounts will cause headache, nausea, stomach pain, trembling body, can even lead to fainting. If levels of toxins consumed quite a lot, in addition to these symptoms, other symptoms that may occur include bulging eyes, mouth foaming, seizures, and shortness of breath. (Gultom.P.P.Batunahal, 1995, Johan, 2005)
Cyanide formed enzymatically from two precursor compounds (will poison), namely linamarin and mertil linamarin where both compounds linamarase contact with enzymes and oxygen from the air that merombaknya into glucose, acetone and hydrogen cyanide. Have the nature of cyanide soluble and volatile, and therefore to lower or reduce levels of cyanide can be done by washing or soaking because cyanide will dissolve and go wasted with water. (Health, Compass, 2004, Canisius, 1997)
3.1 Time and Place of Research
The study was conducted over two months ie, from March till April 2010. Dilakuakan Research in Biology Labotarium MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru.
3.2 Hypothesis
Yam tubers can be eco-friendly organic pesticides.
3.3 Equipment and Materials Research
The tools used in this study consists of a knife, a grater, a coconut, two pieces of gauze, three glass beaker, three aerosol sprays, three bottles of aqua, three measuring cups and two basins.
The material used in this study was ten tailed crickets, cockroaches ten tails, a quarter kilogram of cabbage, three hundred milliliters estrak yam and two hundred milliliters of water.
3.4 Working Procedure
1. First of all yam tubers peeled using a knife.
2. Yam tuber is cut so easily shredded, and then inserted into the yam tuber basin.
3. Furthermore, by using a grater grated.
4. Results generated grated, squeezed using gauze. Having squeezed juice results were filtered by using a filter that will produce estrak coconut milk yam.
5. The results that have been obtained eskrak yam, put into a glass beaker and mixed with water with the following conditions:
a. In the first glass beaker, measuring as much as 25ml of water and 75ml measure as estrak yam (1:3) using a measuring cup. Once measured, water and estrak yam put into a glass beaker and stirred.
b. In the second glass beaker, measuring the water as much as 50ml and 50ml measures as estrak yam (1:1) using a measuring cup. Once measured, water and estrak yam put into a glass beaker and stirred.
c. At the third glass beaker, measuring the water as much as 75ml and 25ml measures as estrak yam (3:1) using a measuring cup. Once measured, estrak gadumg water and put into a glass beaker and stirred.
d. At the third glass beaker, measuring estrak gadung 100ml or without mixed water (100% estrak yam).
6. The results of mixing before, put aerosols. Then sprayed on cabbage and cauliflower inserted into the bottle.
(A) (b)
(C) (d)
Figure 2: The process of stripping yam tubers (a), yam tubers that have been cut into pieces (b).
Results grated yam tuber (c), the yam tuber extortion (d).
(A) (b)
Figure 3: The process of mixing estrak yam with water (a), melakuakan trials with crickets and cockroaches Sebai experimental animals (b).
4.1 Observation Results
The results of the observations made in labotarium presented in Table 1.4:
Table: 1.4, yam estrak use as an organic pesticide.
Experimental animals that died
10 Cricket
10 Cockroach
100% estrak yam
25% + 75% estrak water yam
50% + 50% estrak water yam
75% + 25% estrak water yam
In a glass beaker containing 100% (100ml) estrak yam without being mixed with water can kill as many as 9 out of 10 cows tail crickets crickets trial and 9 out of 10 cockroach crawly experiments. In a glass beaker containing 25% (25ml) estrak yam mixed with water as much as 75% (75ml), can kill as many as 5 tails than 10 tails crickets crickets and 4 trials of 10 crawly crawly trial. In a glass beaker experiment containing 50% (50ml) estrak yam mixed with water as much as 50% (50ml), can kill as many as 7 out of 10 cows tail crickets crickets and 6 trials of 10 crawly crawly trial. In a glass beaker containing 75% (75ml) estrak yam mixed with water as much as 25% (25ml), can kill as many as 8 tails crickets crickets crickets trial of 10 heads and 7 tails crawly cockroach out of 10 trials.
4.2 Application of Science
Based on her research, it can be said that the yam tubers can be one of the eco-friendly organic pesticides that can replace inorganic pesticides that have a harmful impact on the earth's survival. Yam can be organic because pesticides in yam tubers contained cyanide to kill insects. Cyanide is a chemical compound containing the cyano group C ≡ N, with the carbon atom bonded to the nitrogen atoms of three. CN Group can be found in many compounds. Some are gas, and the other is solid or liquid. Some like-salt, some covalent. Several molecular, some ionic, and many also polymeric. That can release cyanide ion CN-cyanide is highly toxic. This cyanide when consumed in large amounts will cause headache, nausea, stomach pain, trembling body, can even lead to fainting. If levels of toxins consumed quite a lot, in addition to these symptoms, other symptoms that may occur include bulging eyes, mouth foaming, seizures, and shortness of breath.
Cyanide formed enzymatically from two precursor compounds (will poison), namely linamarin and mertil linamarin where both compounds linamarase contact with enzymes and oxygen from the air that merombaknya into glucose, acetone and hydrogen cyanide. Have the nature of cyanide soluble and volatile, and therefore to lower or reduce levels of cyanide can be done by washing or soaking because cyanide will dissolve and go wasted with water. We can neutralize cyanide with sodium hypochlorite under basic conditions (pH = 9-11) which will oxidize cyanide (CN-) ions to cyanate (CNO-) ions.
5.1 Conclusions
From the experiments that have been conducted using estrak yam tubers and mixed with water that is sprayed into the insects by using aerosol spray, is evident from the first experiment with mixing water until the third experiment, we encountered a lot of insects are killed. This is due to the cyanide contained in yam tubers that can kill insects. With a proven experiment that has been done has been done means estrak yam tubers can be one of the organic pesticides that are environmentally friendly and can be one of alternative replacement for inorganic pesticides. In terms of organic pesticide costs cheaper compared to inorganic pesticides as yam tubers can be grown on flat ground to a height of 850 meters above sea level, but can also be found at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level.
5.2 Suggestions
Yam tubers can be one alternative to inorganic pesticides. From the observation, it is known that yam tubers can kill pests also kill crickets and other pests such as cockroaches. So that yam tubers can be one substitute an alternative organic pesticides inorganic pesticides.
Saeni. M.S., 1989. Environmental Chemistry, Bogor: Inter-University Life Sciences - Higher Education, IPB.
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http / / Access on: November 29, 2006. / nysdoh / bt / chemical_terrorism / docs / cyanide_general.pdf. Access on: November 29, 2006. / agent / cyanide / basics / pdf / cyanidecasedef.pdf. Access on: November 29, 2006.
Flach, M, and F. Rumawas (1996). Dioscorea L. Prosea. N0.9. in. Plant yieldingnon-seed carbohydrates ((Eds). Bogor. Indonesia.
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Anonymous. 1984. Pesticides for Agricultural Crop Protection danKehutanan.Direktorat. Direktotarat General Crops Pangan.Jakarta.
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Author Biography
Name: Arif Mudi Priyatno
Place Date of Birth: Sand Gold, 23 May 1995
Religion: ISLAM
School: SMAN 2 Singingi
No. hp: 085271717835
Father: Suroso
1.1 Background Issues
Intensification of agriculture is a policy taken by the government to meet their food needs. In line with the growth of population in Indonesia, the problem of crop damage in the cultivation of the ancients to the present are pests. The farmers in combating pests prefer to find an alternative that is practical use of inorganic pesticides. Dependence of farmers on inorganic pesticides have a great impact on human survival and the surrounding environment.
One of the environmental impact is considerable danger of inorganic pesticide exposure and poisoning. Low level of education of farmers led to a lack of knowledge of farmers on the use of inorganic pesticides. Some growers use inorganic pesticides regardless of dosage has been determined. Thus causing environmental problems, making the quality of the environment is lowered.
Not only humans are affected but also inorganic pesticides can pollute the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. The presence of pesticides in the water due to the use of pesticides that do not obey the rules. Water pollution can also be caused by the rain that dissolves pesticides from agricultural areas, which finally got into the aquatic ecosystem pollution of water resources by pesticides is the flow of water from agricultural areas, especially during the rainy season. At high levels of pesticides can kill jazad that live in the water. Pesticides such as the persistence of high organochlorine group despite the low concentrations can enter the food chain and experiencing the elevated levels (biological magnification) to the degree that deadly (Coutney, 1973). On the lives of phytoplankton, paraquat treatment at a dose of 1.0 ppm for 4 hours can reduce the productivity of 53%, diquat treatment with the same dose interval of 48 hours of lower productivity 45%, while at a dose of 1.0 ppm diuran in 4 hours to reduce productivity 87% (Pimentel, 1974).
In the presence of pesticides in the lithosphere lithospheric layer is related to the depth of the soil, where the outermost layer of the soil is considered a part of the lithosphere, especially in agricultural areas polluted many pesticides. Meanwhile, in the atmosphere, pesticides are used throughout the world has led to the deployment of more ekososfir peresisten throughout the world. The atmosphere has been postulated as a main route of spread to the whole world. Pesticides released into nature in particulate form or in the form of vapor from the user, in general terpatriasi pesticides in the atmosphere in the form of vapor and particulates.
Inorganic pesticides also have an impact on plants, vertebrates and invertebrate animals. In plants, application of pesticides at low levels (sublethal) can influence plant resistance to bullies. therefore imperfect spraying may cause long-term effects are unpredictable. In vertebrate animals, Moore (1974) suggested that birds of prey mice and Tyto alba Falcon tininuculus much contaminated by pesticides due to prey on mice that had been eating bait mixed grains dieldrin, while Jefferies (1972) suggested that the type of bat Pipistrellus, Plocetius and Myotis found to contain residues of organochlorine many types of DDE (± 10.68 ppm), DDT (± 4.62 ppm) and dieldrin (± 0.29 ppm) in the heart organ. In Indonesia, the impact of the side effects of the application of DDT and DDE metabolites showed a negative correlation between DDT residues in duck egg and egg shell thickness. This suggests that at the time of measurement, the effect is not significant pesticide residues pollute ducks in Indonesia (Koeman, 1974). In amphibians such as frogs, pollution can alter behavior and morphological abnormalities especially towards the tail and snout (Cooke, 1970).
In invertebrate animals, Palpp (1976) suggested that the side effects of the use of inorganic pesticides on animals may be the onset of formation inveterbrata immunity (resistance) or resurgence. Establishment of immunity occurs through several mechanisms such as changes asetilkolines-alignment, reduced absorption, resistance to growth regulators (growth regulator), resistance to pyrethroids, immunity against organophosphates and carbamates metabolism and immunity to pesticide compounds berklor. Szeics et al. (1973) found that skin absorption of insecticides by insects increase with polarity. It is observed in experiments on Heliothis virescens, but decreased absorption can occur and is mekanisnme immunity. Although the above mechanism can not be described in detail, but observations on larval Heliothis zea older seem more resistant than younger (Gast, 1961).
Pesticides greatest influence on soil faunah destruction was an insecticide in the appeal of other pesticides such as herbicides and fungicides. Insecticides are the most widely used is berklor hydrocarbons and organophosphates. Berklor hydrocarbons can cause reduction in the population of prey mite populations colembola colembola so developed, otherwise the compound of the type of aldrin and its derivatives the effect is not too significant decrease mite populations (Sheals, 1956).
In addition to the above problems, inorganic pesticides is expensive. Of information and literature that writers get, some small farmers in Central Java has been used as an organic pesticide yam tubers. Tubers of yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) is one of the types of tubers are usually used by farmers to drive the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) in rice (Oryza sativa). Based on the above background, the authors are interested in doing research related to the benefits of yam tubers as one organic pesticides that are environmentally friendly as a replacement for inorganic pesticides.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Is yam tubers (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) can be used as organic pesticides that are environmentally friendly substitute for inorganic pesticides?
1.3 Objectives Research
Scientific research paper aims to find an alternative substitute inorganic pesticides that have a harmful impact on the environment.
2.1 Pesticides
Pesticides are substances used to control, resist, luring or eradicate pests. The name is derived from the pest ("bugs") are given the suffix-cide ("killers"). The goal of all sorts, such as insects, rodents, weeds, birds, mammals, fish, or microbes that are considered disruptive. According to FAO & PP RI No. 1986. 7, 1973, the definition of pesticides is a mixture of chemicals used to prevent, eradicate and mengendalikakn animals / plants bullies like rodents, including insects spreading disease, with the aim of human welfare. PP No. RI. 6, 1995, has the sense that peatisida is a substance or chemical compound, a substance the body and stimulating growth regulators, other materials, as well as microorganisms or viruses used for protection. In addition there are two opinions on the other opinions that of the U.S. EPA, the pesticide is a substance or mixture of substances used for preventing, destroying, resist pests or enemies in the form of animals, plants and microorganisms bullies.
Terms of pesticides is to kill quickly and efficiently, cheaply and easily available in the market, favoring the use of a broad, stable chemical composition (having residual effects), a selective, non-flammable, easy to prepare, do not damage the goods, clean, not issued odor unpleasant and less effect on warm-blooded animals.
According to the function of pesticides were divided into three groups, namely: insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Theoretically, insecticides are chlorinated carbon compounds, as well organosfor organoclor used to combat pests and diseases caused by insects (Insecta). Examples organoclor is Metoksiclor, DDT, and Dieldrin Aidrin. Herbicides are chemical compounds used to inhibit or kill other plants that interfere with the main crops in the farming system. Based on the basic constituent substances are divided into two groups, the first non-nitrogen-based herbicides, which consists of: arsenic, asarn Akifatik, phenoxy acid and Organosfor. Secondly, based Nitrogen, which are: Acid pyrimidine, triazine nitrile, Urea, phenol Uracil, bipyridine, carbamates, carbamates Trio, Amazin, etc..
Other pesticides are fungicides. Fungicides are chemicals used to kill and inhibit the growth of fungi that affect plants. Common uses are still considered did not significantly affect the environment as its base material is almost the same as the basic branches Herbicides but the dose and very low concentrations. A common example used is fungsisida cloro bensena Hex, Mercury Phenyl acetate, terbeenzidiol, and others.
According to Watterson (1988), there are many classification / types of pesticides on the market and always used both addressed to the animals, plants and microorganisms jazad, controlling insects and animals as pests potentially tananam (OPT) is an insecticide, rodenticides, molusisida, avisida, and mitisida. While the control jazad organisms such as a bactericide, fungicide, algisida. In addition there are chemical compounds that are just as insect repellent (insect repellent), and conversely some are actually attract insects to come (insect attractant) and no one can spay insects (Table 1.1).
Table 1.1. Pesticides Types and Usefulness
Type of pesticides
Function and Usefulness
Control and insect control
Kill the grass (weeds)
Kill fungi
Killing nematodes
Killing rats
Kill bacteria
Killing spiders
Kill algae
Killing the myth
Killing moloska
Repel birds
Controlling fish
Destroying eggs
Destroying or dangerous menonaktifkanmikroorganisme
Growth regulator
Stimulate / inhibit the growth of
Penggugur leaf
Repel insects, termites, dogs and cats
Attract insects
Menseterilisasi insects
Sources: Watterson (1988)
2.2 Gadung Tuber (Dioscorea hispida Dennst)
(A) (b)
Figure 1: Plant yam (a), yam tubers (b).
Classification of yam tubers
Kingdom: Plantae (plants)
Division: Magnoliophyta (flowering plants)
Class: Liliopsida (dashed one / monocot)
Sub Class: Liliidae
Order: Liliales
Family: Dioscoreaceae
Genus: Dioscorea
Species: Dioscorea hispida Dennst
Yam is a plant perambat, aged chronic (perennial), length of + / - 10 m, hairy roots, woody stems, cylindrical, twisted, green, the inside a solid, smooth surfaces, spiked. Compound leaves, stalks, leaf litter three (trifoliolatus), green color, length of 20-25 cm, width of 1-12 cm, loose leaf blade thin, oval shape, tapered tip (acuminatus), base obtuse (obtusus), flat edge, pertulangan curved (dichotomous), coarse surface (scaber). Compound interest, the form of grain (Spica), emerged from the armpit leaves (axillary). Fruit oval, length + / - 1 cm. Yam tuber is readily available to the public because these plants can grow everywhere.
Dioscoreaceae or pseudo-yam tribe has many species such as: Dioscorea esculeata (L), D. alata and D. hispida (yam). Plant tubers Tumbi is now rarely found in the market. In many regions, known as yam celebrated flower (Manado), yam Ribo (West Sumatra), yam (Sunda), yam (Java); ghadhung (Madura), Skapa (BeIitung), Uwi (Sumbawa), pitur (Minahasa) , who (Bugis), sikapa (Napier), boti (Bread); lei (Kai), uhulibita, ulubita (CERAM); hayule, hayuru (Ambon).
Gadung (Dicoreaceae) are thought to originate from the Far East and quickly spread around the world. Only one known species known in Africa and Asia, but in fact there are about 600 species that grows in the tropics and subtropics. Despite only only 60 species that can be used as food. Of the 60 species, only 20 species membentukumbi and bulbil, including:
1. Dioscorea bulbifera is very prolific and widespread of the Atlantic coast of Africa to the surrounding islands of the Pacific.
2. Dioscorea nummularia found as wild plants and crops dayadi Philippines, Sabah, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua New Guinea, to the Pacific island of Tahiti.
3. Dioscorea pentaphila; encountered as wild plants and crops in India, China, Southeast Asia, to the Pacific Islands.
4. Dioscorea cayenensis (Uwi yellow, Papua New Guinea).
5. Dioscorea rotundata (white Uwi, Papua New Guinea).
6. Dioscorea trifida (Uwi America).
7. Dioscorea batatas (Uwi China).
8. Dioscorea dumetorum (Uwi grombol) or Uwi bitter in Africa).
9. Dioscorea hispida.
10. Dioscorea alata.
Plants can gadung body with environmental factors such as the conditions listed in Table 1.2.
Table 1.2, The environment in which plants grow yam.
Elevation (m asl)
Temperature (oc)
Rainfall (mm / year)
soil pH
D. bulbifera
<2700 br="">
D. numularia
<2500 br="">
D. pentaphila
<2700 br="">
D. alata
<2500 br="">
D. hispida
<1200 br="">
1200>22.7 to 35
<1200 br="">
1200>Yam plants are generally not cultivated on a regular basis. Planting a fairly regular basis there is in West Java, East Java and Lampung. The area is generally not cultivated yam is an area of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau, South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Maluku. Details of the level of maintenance of this yam plant is shown in Table 1.3.
Table: 1.3, Maintenance Level Gadung Plant (%).
Raising regularly
Raising irregular
Growing wild
West Java
Java Tengh
East Java
D.I. Yogya
34 in yard
West Sumatra
100 on the edge of the forest
South Kalimantan
100 in the woods and along the banks
North Sulawesi
South Sulawesi
100 in the forest
Central Sulawesi
100 in the forest
100 in the yard and the riverside
2.3 Growing Bulbs Gadung
a. Seeds and planting time
Yam tuber propagated by using tubers or seeds although propagation by cuttings is possible. Using tuber yields more satisfactory than with cuttings. Gadung should be planted early in the rainy season because it is not economical or yam tubers are not commonly grown in the area irrigated regularly. In the rainy season the area with less than 8 months, growers start up to 3 months before the arrival of the rainy season can increase the yield of 30%.
b. Maintenance
Before planting, the area using the NPK fertilized penenman few days before planting. Watering merukan things that are not common to irrigate crops. Rain is the most dependable source of water. Noteworthy is the cultivation of yam yam beetle pests (Heteroligus claudius) that the larva stage consuming and yam tuber tissue Schoot beetle (Criocerts livida) were in stage larvae feed on the leaves of young leaves and canopies. Pest first typically addressed by crop rotation and planting slow (late planting). The second pest control spraying pyrethrum implement. The other is a caterpillar pests that cause tuber hardened (rot). While the mosaic is a disease that attacks the virus that causes white yam, yellow yam guinea I (the most deadly), water yam and Chinese yam.
Yam plants have four growth phases in its life cycle for 7-10 months,
v The first phase is the growth of roots and buds are memerlukanwaktu about six weeks, and continued until 10 weeks, then constant.
v The second phase is the formation of leaves and stems that require 6-10 weeks after planting and continue until 13 weeks. During the second phase, plant growth does not depend on the yam tuber tuber bibitnya.Pembentukan starting at week 10.
v The third phase, is the enlargement of tubers.
v phase to four plants start to turn yellow and die, dilanjutkandengan dormant period for 2-3 months.
Yam plant can be an organic pesticide compounds that contain toxins that can kill pests is (C13H19O2N) and cyanide (HCN). Yam can meet the energy needs of the body and good to eat, as long as the content of the poison is neutralized. Cyanide is a chemical compound containing the cyano group C ≡ N, with the carbon atom bonded to the nitrogen atoms of three. CN Group can be found in many compounds. Some are gas, and the other is solid or liquid. Some like-salt, some covalent. Several molecular, some ionic, and many also polymeric. That can release cyanide ion CN-cyanide is highly toxic. This cyanide when consumed in large amounts will cause headache, nausea, stomach pain, trembling body, can even lead to fainting. If levels of toxins consumed quite a lot, in addition to these symptoms, other symptoms that may occur include bulging eyes, mouth foaming, seizures, and shortness of breath. (Gultom.P.P.Batunahal, 1995, Johan, 2005)
Cyanide formed enzymatically from two precursor compounds (will poison), namely linamarin and mertil linamarin where both compounds linamarase contact with enzymes and oxygen from the air that merombaknya into glucose, acetone and hydrogen cyanide. Have the nature of cyanide soluble and volatile, and therefore to lower or reduce levels of cyanide can be done by washing or soaking because cyanide will dissolve and go wasted with water. (Health, Compass, 2004, Canisius, 1997)
3.1 Time and Place of Research
The study was conducted over two months ie, from March till April 2010. Dilakuakan Research in Biology Labotarium MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru.
3.2 Hypothesis
Yam tubers can be eco-friendly organic pesticides.
3.3 Equipment and Materials Research
The tools used in this study consists of a knife, a grater, a coconut, two pieces of gauze, three glass beaker, three aerosol sprays, three bottles of aqua, three measuring cups and two basins.
The material used in this study was ten tailed crickets, cockroaches ten tails, a quarter kilogram of cabbage, three hundred milliliters estrak yam and two hundred milliliters of water.
3.4 Working Procedure
1. First of all yam tubers peeled using a knife.
2. Yam tuber is cut so easily shredded, and then inserted into the yam tuber basin.
3. Furthermore, by using a grater grated.
4. Results generated grated, squeezed using gauze. Having squeezed juice results were filtered by using a filter that will produce estrak coconut milk yam.
5. The results that have been obtained eskrak yam, put into a glass beaker and mixed with water with the following conditions:
a. In the first glass beaker, measuring as much as 25ml of water and 75ml measure as estrak yam (1:3) using a measuring cup. Once measured, water and estrak yam put into a glass beaker and stirred.
b. In the second glass beaker, measuring the water as much as 50ml and 50ml measures as estrak yam (1:1) using a measuring cup. Once measured, water and estrak yam put into a glass beaker and stirred.
c. At the third glass beaker, measuring the water as much as 75ml and 25ml measures as estrak yam (3:1) using a measuring cup. Once measured, estrak gadumg water and put into a glass beaker and stirred.
d. At the third glass beaker, measuring estrak gadung 100ml or without mixed water (100% estrak yam).
6. The results of mixing before, put aerosols. Then sprayed on cabbage and cauliflower inserted into the bottle.
(A) (b)
(C) (d)
Figure 2: The process of stripping yam tubers (a), yam tubers that have been cut into pieces (b).
Results grated yam tuber (c), the yam tuber extortion (d).
(A) (b)
Figure 3: The process of mixing estrak yam with water (a), melakuakan trials with crickets and cockroaches Sebai experimental animals (b).
4.1 Observation Results
The results of the observations made in labotarium presented in Table 1.4:
Table: 1.4, yam estrak use as an organic pesticide.
Experimental animals that died
10 Cricket
10 Cockroach
100% estrak yam
25% + 75% estrak water yam
50% + 50% estrak water yam
75% + 25% estrak water yam
In a glass beaker containing 100% (100ml) estrak yam without being mixed with water can kill as many as 9 out of 10 cows tail crickets crickets trial and 9 out of 10 cockroach crawly experiments. In a glass beaker containing 25% (25ml) estrak yam mixed with water as much as 75% (75ml), can kill as many as 5 tails than 10 tails crickets crickets and 4 trials of 10 crawly crawly trial. In a glass beaker experiment containing 50% (50ml) estrak yam mixed with water as much as 50% (50ml), can kill as many as 7 out of 10 cows tail crickets crickets and 6 trials of 10 crawly crawly trial. In a glass beaker containing 75% (75ml) estrak yam mixed with water as much as 25% (25ml), can kill as many as 8 tails crickets crickets crickets trial of 10 heads and 7 tails crawly cockroach out of 10 trials.
4.2 Application of Science
Based on her research, it can be said that the yam tubers can be one of the eco-friendly organic pesticides that can replace inorganic pesticides that have a harmful impact on the earth's survival. Yam can be organic because pesticides in yam tubers contained cyanide to kill insects. Cyanide is a chemical compound containing the cyano group C ≡ N, with the carbon atom bonded to the nitrogen atoms of three. CN Group can be found in many compounds. Some are gas, and the other is solid or liquid. Some like-salt, some covalent. Several molecular, some ionic, and many also polymeric. That can release cyanide ion CN-cyanide is highly toxic. This cyanide when consumed in large amounts will cause headache, nausea, stomach pain, trembling body, can even lead to fainting. If levels of toxins consumed quite a lot, in addition to these symptoms, other symptoms that may occur include bulging eyes, mouth foaming, seizures, and shortness of breath.
Cyanide formed enzymatically from two precursor compounds (will poison), namely linamarin and mertil linamarin where both compounds linamarase contact with enzymes and oxygen from the air that merombaknya into glucose, acetone and hydrogen cyanide. Have the nature of cyanide soluble and volatile, and therefore to lower or reduce levels of cyanide can be done by washing or soaking because cyanide will dissolve and go wasted with water. We can neutralize cyanide with sodium hypochlorite under basic conditions (pH = 9-11) which will oxidize cyanide (CN-) ions to cyanate (CNO-) ions.
5.1 Conclusions
From the experiments that have been conducted using estrak yam tubers and mixed with water that is sprayed into the insects by using aerosol spray, is evident from the first experiment with mixing water until the third experiment, we encountered a lot of insects are killed. This is due to the cyanide contained in yam tubers that can kill insects. With a proven experiment that has been done has been done means estrak yam tubers can be one of the organic pesticides that are environmentally friendly and can be one of alternative replacement for inorganic pesticides. In terms of organic pesticide costs cheaper compared to inorganic pesticides as yam tubers can be grown on flat ground to a height of 850 meters above sea level, but can also be found at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level.
5.2 Suggestions
Yam tubers can be one alternative to inorganic pesticides. From the observation, it is known that yam tubers can kill pests also kill crickets and other pests such as cockroaches. So that yam tubers can be one substitute an alternative organic pesticides inorganic pesticides.
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Author Biography
Name: Arif Mudi Priyatno
Place Date of Birth: Sand Gold, 23 May 1995
Religion: ISLAM
School: SMAN 2 Singingi
No. hp: 085271717835
Father: Suroso
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