Green Revolution was the unofficial title used to describe a
fundamental change in the use of technology in agriculture that began in
the 1950s to the 1980s in many developing countries, especially in
Asia. Tangible
results are achieved self-sufficiency (adequacy of provision) number of
food in some countries that previously were always short of food
supplies (principal), such as India, Bangladesh, China, Vietnam,
Thailand, and Indonesia, to name a few countries. Norman Borlaug, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970, is regarded as the primary drafter of this movement.
The green revolution bases itself on four important pillars: water supply through irrigation systems, optimal use of chemical fertilizers, pesticide application in accordance with the level of pests attacks, and the use of improved varieties as planting material quality. Through the application of non-traditional technologies, increasing crop yields doubled and allow planting three times a year for rice in certain places, something previously not possible.
The green revolution has been criticized in line with the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability due to cause severe environmental damage. By his supporters, damage is seen not as the Green Revolution but because of the excesses in the use of technologies that do not view the rules that have been determined. Another criticism that emerges is that the Green Revolution was not able to reach all strata of developing countries because it does not give a real impact in Africa.
A.Revolusi GreenGenetic technology triggered the Green Revolution (green revolution) that has been running since the 1960s. With the Green Revolution is happening increase agricultural production is doubled so that adequate food staple cereal origin.The concept of the Green Revolution in Indonesia known as Guidance movement (community counseling) is a national program to improve food production, especially rice self-sufficiency. These goals motivated myth that rice is a strategic commodity both in terms of economic, political and social. Movement Guidance cored three principal components, namely the use of technology often disabut Five Farms, the implementation of price policy means and reproduction as well as the credit support and infrastructure. Indonesia Grakan successfully deliver the rice self-sufficiency.Green Revolution movement that is run in the country - developed and implemented since Indonesia's New Order regime in power. Green Revolution movement known as common in Indonesia Indonesia is not able to deliver to a country that remains self-sufficient in food, but only capable within five years, ie, between the years 1984 to 1989. In addition, the Green Revolution has also led to the country's economic and social inequality as it turns out the Green Revolution is profitable for farmers who have more than half a hectare of land, and rich peasants in the countryside, as well as state officials at the village level. Because before the Green Revolution implemented, state control and ownership of land in Indonesia is lame, the result of the failure of the implementation of the Agrarian Reform which had commenced in the year 1960 to the year 1965. Agricultural green revolution can also be referred to as a failure because the product contains pesticide residues laden and highly damaging ecosystems and soil fertility.
B.Pestisida and Artificial FertilizersPesticides have long been known to cause eye and skin irritation, respiratory problems, memory loss, and in the long term lead to cancer. Even if pregnant women consume foods and beverages that contain pesticide residues, then the risk of the fetus having been born in a state of disability. The use of pesticides also caused the explosion of pests-a situation that contradicts the purpose of the manufacture of pesticides-as pesticides in excessive doses causes immune to pests and natural enemies of pests resulting in death is concerned.However, eradication of pests panacea myth remains embedded in the majority of farmers. They do not understand the dangers of pesticides. This is because the information that came to them was 'if there are pests, pesticides wear brand A'. farmers also flooded dreams overwhelming production if they use chemical fertilizers. The agricultural extension is 'minions' merchants that promote these wonders of modern technology. Agricultural extension never fully convey information that chemical fertilizers can not actually improve soil physical properties, so that the danger of soil erosion. The use of artificial fertilizers continuously will also accelerate the exhaustion of organic substances, upset the balance of nutrients in the soil, resulting in a variety of plant diseases. As a result, soil fertility in fields that use artificial fertilizers over the years continued to decline.
C.Revolusi Green and Bad ImpactsIn Indonesia, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is part of the Green Revolution, an ambitious project of the New Order to boost agricultural production by using modern technology, which began in the 1970s. Indeed, the Green Revolution has answered the challenge of the availability of the food needs of a growing world. But the success was not without its effects and side effects if without restraint, in the long run threatens the life of the world of agriculture.Breakthrough of the green revolution in Indonesia is seen in the decade of the 1980s. At that time, the government mengkomando rice cultivation, forcing the use of imported seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and others. As a result, Indonesia had enjoyed self-sufficiency in rice. But in the decade of the 1990s, farmers began to dither face pests, soil fertility decline, dependence increasing use of fertilizers and pesticides do not work anymore, and the government-controlled grain pricesSynthetic chemicals used in agriculture, such as fertilizers have damaged the structure, chemical and biological soil. Pesticide ingredients are believed to have damaged the ecosystem and habitat of animals that actually benefit some farmers as a particular pest predators. Besides pesticides has led to some pest immunity. Furthermore, the risk of ecological damage is inevitable and the decline of agricultural production makes production costs tend to increase. Finally occur inefisensi farming production and weaken excitement.The green revolution is ever increasing grain production. But the result:Various organisms destroyed soil fertilitySoil fertility decline / BadlandsSoil containing residues (sludge pesticides)Agricultural produce containing pesticide residuesThe balance of the ecosystem is damagedBombings and the number of pest attack.The Green Revolution has even drastically change the nature of farmers. In the history of human civilization, farmers work to develop a culture of planting by utilizing the potential of nature to meet human needs. Farmer is a self-contained community. But the green revolution, farmers should not be posted spawned its own seed. Seeds that have been provided are the result of genetic engineering, and highly dependent on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which makes a lot of farmers in debt. Candidate due to too high yielding rice seeds, about 1,500 local rice varieties have become extinct in the last 15 years.Although the Law. 12/1992 has been mentioned that "farmers have the freedom to determine the choice of the type of plant and its cultivation", but the verse is countered again by the next verse, that "farmers are obliged to participate in realizing the plan of development and production of plant cultivation" (government program). That way, the freedom of farmers is castrated by the regime.It is certain that the Green Revolution only benefit producers of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, and farmers capitalized. The Green Revolution was made to increase agricultural production, which is used as a benchmark as one of the successes of the New Order. However, underneath it all, there is the plight of the farmers. Not to mention the damage to the ecological system of farming losses can not be valued in money.Myth of the amazing Green Revolution was born because it is supported by the technology developed from the system of modern science, from genetics to applied chemistry. Wonder if Masanobu Fukuoka, a pioneer of natural farming in Japan, once said: "The role of scientists in society is analogous to the role of discrimination in your own thoughts.". It has been shown that the application of the Green Revolution in Indonesia have a negative impact on the environment due to the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. And the Green Revolution in Indonesia is not always the welfare of rice farmers
One of the problems faced by the New Order government is that food production is not balanced by an increasing population density. Therefore, the New Order of the Green Revolution in the program include Pelita. The Green Revolution was implemented nationally. What is the Green Revolution is that? The Green Revolution was a major change with regard to the cultivation of land and agriculture.
The positive impact of the Green Revolution in Indonesia:a. Increasing the productivity of food crops.b. Increased food production led to the industry being the primary requirement is met.c. Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice.d. Quality of food crops is increasing.
While the negative impact of the Green Revolution in Indonesia, among others:a. The use of artificial fertilizers and excessive pwstisida will result in agricultural land becomes fertile again.b. Reduced genetic diversity of certain crops caused by homogenization certain crops are developed.c. Agricultural mechanism resulting in the traditional way of farming became marginalized.d. Declining sense of mutual cooperation.e. Yields of some of the Green Revolution has decreased.
Basically, the policies of the New Order under the leadership of President Suharto has managed to increase economic growth high enough. President Suharto had earned a Father of Development for successfully realizing national development. National development at this time also cause negative side is marked by the emergence of symptoms of crony capitalism is a term that refers to the capitalists are circling the New Order regime based on the principles of kinship. The existence of crony capitalism has led to the economic inequities that impact felt by society, especially the middle class down. These conditions gave rise to social ills that descend elements of governance and society became known as KKN practices.
Agricultural modernization policies in the new order known as the Green Revolution.
The Green Revolution is changing the way of how traditional farming to modern ways.
The Green Revolution (Green Revolution) is a revolution in the production of grains from the scientific discoveries of a new form of improved seed varieties, wheat, rice, and corn yields resulting in high commodity.
Purpose of the green revolution is changing the old-style farmers (peasant) a new style farmers (farmers), modernizing agriculture to meet the old-style industrialization of the national economy. The green revolution is characterized by the decreasing dependence of the farmers on the weather and nature because of the increased role of science and technology to increase food production.
Background The advent of the Green Revolution was due to the problem of poverty due to population growth are not comparable with the rapid increase in food production. So do control the number of births and increasing search effort and research Binit excel in the field of Agriculture. These efforts occur based on research conducted by Thomas Robert Malthus.
Indonesian government's efforts to encourage green revolution reached by way of:
1. Intensification of Agriculture
Agricultural intensification in Indonesia known as the Five Farms which includes:
a. Seed Selection Superior
b. Good Soil Treatment
c. Fertilization
d. Irrigation
e. Pest Control
2. Agricultural extensification
Agricultural extension, namely Expanding land that can be planted with the opening of new land (eg convert barren land into arable land, clearing forests, etc.).
3. Diversification of Agriculture
Enterprise diversification of crops on a farm through intercropping systems. Business is profitable because it can prevent the staple crop failure, expanding sources of foreign exchange, prevent a decline in the income of farmers.
4. Agricultural Rehabilitation
Is the recovery of agricultural productivity of critical resources, which endanger the environment, as well as vulnerable areas in order to improve living standards for people in the area. Farms will produce food and environmental as well as stabilizers.
Implementation of the Green Revolution:
Government to provide counseling and guidance to farmers.
Marketing activities agricultural production running smoothly is often the development of technology and communication.
specialized crops that are planted, known as monoculture, the planting of land with only one type of plant.
The development of tissue culture techniques to obtain the expected seeds that are resistant to disease and only suitable to be planted in a particular field.
farmers use rice seedlings developing a results of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI = International Rice Research Institute) in collaboration with the government, the seeds are high yielding rice seeds known as IR.
The pattern of change of the pattern of subsistence agriculture into a pattern of capital and commercialization.
State opened the investments through the construction of modern irrigation and of developing the national fertilizer industry.
Government established cooperatives known as KUD (Village Unit Cooperatives).
Positive Impact of the Green Revolution:
Providing employment for farmers and agricultural laborers.
The area which was only able to produce a limited basis and only to meet the minimum needs of the community can enjoy better results because of the green revolution.
food shortages can be resolved.
The agricultural sector to become pillars of the Indonesian economy, especially noticeable when the economic crisis hit Indonesia so people turn to venture into the agricultural sector.
Negative Impact of Green Revolution:
Came the commercialization of agricultural production
Appears individualist stance in terms of land tenure
There is a change in the social structure and patterns of relationships antarlapisan rural farmers in the village where the relationship between the separate layers and a social force in the opposite interest.
fading kinship systems in communities initially be binding relationships between layers.
Emerging economic inequality since the transfer of title to the land through purchase.
the high price of land not covered by the economic capacity of farmers so that the bottom layer of rich farmers have a tremendous opportunity to increase the area of land.
Emerging social inequalities due to different land yanmg pendapatanpun lead levels will be different.
visible gap comes from the difference in building styles and styles of dress that became a symbol of the identity of a social layer.
Start efforts of farmers to switch jobs to another type as perkembagan technology.
Technological developments provide a positive influence for Indonesia especially for the improvement of the food industry:
The use of artificial fertilizers and chemicals to combat pests that pertanianpun production increases.
lahanpun treatment process becomes faster with used tractors
The processing of the results to be faster with the rice grinder
The negative impact of these technological developments is
The incidence of pollution in water and soil due to the use of pesticides (chemical fertilizers) excess. For if the element of nitrate and phosphate contained in fertilizers in large quantities into the river will lead to the growth of blue algae and other aquatic plants that cause drying of the river because of the many aquatic plants (eutrophication).
The use of pesticides to kill pests, pest insects, birds, fish and other animals. Even from the elements contained in pesticides can become life-threatening compounds.
Implementation of monocultures cause unequal relationship between the land, animals, and plants so that the balance of nature will be disrupted causing outbreaks of pests and diseases.
The system of shifting cultivation or harvesting of trees in large quantities by forest concession holders (HPH) to created a new settlement kususnya cause environmental damage to the soil ecosystem.
The narrower converted into agricultural land for residential and industrial areas.
Increased activity of extracting natural resources, mining, logging less attention to environmental conditions.
Reduction of the amount of human labor involved in the production process because it has been replaced by machines that are capital-intensive and labor-saving. Impact on unemployment.
The Green Revolution was led efforts to modernize the impact on the development of industrialization characterized by rational economic thinking. Thought it would lead to capitalism.
With industrialization is also a cultural process whereby public dibagun of a lifestyle or culture patterned traditional agrarian society into an industrial society and cultural life. Industrial development can not be separated from the long journey in the field of technological discoveries that drive the changes in society.
Government efforts to improve industrialization are:
- Enhance the development of information networks, communications, transportation to facilitate the flow of communication between regions of the archipelago.
- Developing the agricultural industry
- Develop non-agricultural industries, especially oil and gas boomed.
- The development of the shipbuilding industry to build shipyard in Surabaya Indonesia managed olrh PT.PAL.
- Development Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN) which later became PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.
- Development of an industrial area in Jakarta, Cilacap, Surabaya, Medan and Batam.
- Since 1985 the government issued a policy of deregulation in the fields of industry and investment.
Industrialization in Indonesia is characterized by:
Achieving efficiency and effectiveness.
The amount of labor absorbed into the industrial sectors.
Changes in the behavioral patterns of the old patterns into new behaviors characterized by modern industrial society such rationalization.
Rising per capita income of people in various regions, especially in the industrial area.
Menigkatnya needs of people who use the results of both the industry of food, clothing, and tools to support agriculture and so on.
The positive impact of industrialization is the achievement of efficiency and effectiveness.
The negative impacts of industrialization is the emergence of social and economic inequalities are characterized by poverty and the emergence of social pathology (social ills) such as juvenile delinquency and crime.
The green revolution bases itself on four important pillars: water supply through irrigation systems, optimal use of chemical fertilizers, pesticide application in accordance with the level of pests attacks, and the use of improved varieties as planting material quality. Through the application of non-traditional technologies, increasing crop yields doubled and allow planting three times a year for rice in certain places, something previously not possible.
The green revolution has been criticized in line with the increasing awareness of environmental sustainability due to cause severe environmental damage. By his supporters, damage is seen not as the Green Revolution but because of the excesses in the use of technologies that do not view the rules that have been determined. Another criticism that emerges is that the Green Revolution was not able to reach all strata of developing countries because it does not give a real impact in Africa.
A.Revolusi GreenGenetic technology triggered the Green Revolution (green revolution) that has been running since the 1960s. With the Green Revolution is happening increase agricultural production is doubled so that adequate food staple cereal origin.The concept of the Green Revolution in Indonesia known as Guidance movement (community counseling) is a national program to improve food production, especially rice self-sufficiency. These goals motivated myth that rice is a strategic commodity both in terms of economic, political and social. Movement Guidance cored three principal components, namely the use of technology often disabut Five Farms, the implementation of price policy means and reproduction as well as the credit support and infrastructure. Indonesia Grakan successfully deliver the rice self-sufficiency.Green Revolution movement that is run in the country - developed and implemented since Indonesia's New Order regime in power. Green Revolution movement known as common in Indonesia Indonesia is not able to deliver to a country that remains self-sufficient in food, but only capable within five years, ie, between the years 1984 to 1989. In addition, the Green Revolution has also led to the country's economic and social inequality as it turns out the Green Revolution is profitable for farmers who have more than half a hectare of land, and rich peasants in the countryside, as well as state officials at the village level. Because before the Green Revolution implemented, state control and ownership of land in Indonesia is lame, the result of the failure of the implementation of the Agrarian Reform which had commenced in the year 1960 to the year 1965. Agricultural green revolution can also be referred to as a failure because the product contains pesticide residues laden and highly damaging ecosystems and soil fertility.
B.Pestisida and Artificial FertilizersPesticides have long been known to cause eye and skin irritation, respiratory problems, memory loss, and in the long term lead to cancer. Even if pregnant women consume foods and beverages that contain pesticide residues, then the risk of the fetus having been born in a state of disability. The use of pesticides also caused the explosion of pests-a situation that contradicts the purpose of the manufacture of pesticides-as pesticides in excessive doses causes immune to pests and natural enemies of pests resulting in death is concerned.However, eradication of pests panacea myth remains embedded in the majority of farmers. They do not understand the dangers of pesticides. This is because the information that came to them was 'if there are pests, pesticides wear brand A'. farmers also flooded dreams overwhelming production if they use chemical fertilizers. The agricultural extension is 'minions' merchants that promote these wonders of modern technology. Agricultural extension never fully convey information that chemical fertilizers can not actually improve soil physical properties, so that the danger of soil erosion. The use of artificial fertilizers continuously will also accelerate the exhaustion of organic substances, upset the balance of nutrients in the soil, resulting in a variety of plant diseases. As a result, soil fertility in fields that use artificial fertilizers over the years continued to decline.
C.Revolusi Green and Bad ImpactsIn Indonesia, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is part of the Green Revolution, an ambitious project of the New Order to boost agricultural production by using modern technology, which began in the 1970s. Indeed, the Green Revolution has answered the challenge of the availability of the food needs of a growing world. But the success was not without its effects and side effects if without restraint, in the long run threatens the life of the world of agriculture.Breakthrough of the green revolution in Indonesia is seen in the decade of the 1980s. At that time, the government mengkomando rice cultivation, forcing the use of imported seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and others. As a result, Indonesia had enjoyed self-sufficiency in rice. But in the decade of the 1990s, farmers began to dither face pests, soil fertility decline, dependence increasing use of fertilizers and pesticides do not work anymore, and the government-controlled grain pricesSynthetic chemicals used in agriculture, such as fertilizers have damaged the structure, chemical and biological soil. Pesticide ingredients are believed to have damaged the ecosystem and habitat of animals that actually benefit some farmers as a particular pest predators. Besides pesticides has led to some pest immunity. Furthermore, the risk of ecological damage is inevitable and the decline of agricultural production makes production costs tend to increase. Finally occur inefisensi farming production and weaken excitement.The green revolution is ever increasing grain production. But the result:Various organisms destroyed soil fertilitySoil fertility decline / BadlandsSoil containing residues (sludge pesticides)Agricultural produce containing pesticide residuesThe balance of the ecosystem is damagedBombings and the number of pest attack.The Green Revolution has even drastically change the nature of farmers. In the history of human civilization, farmers work to develop a culture of planting by utilizing the potential of nature to meet human needs. Farmer is a self-contained community. But the green revolution, farmers should not be posted spawned its own seed. Seeds that have been provided are the result of genetic engineering, and highly dependent on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which makes a lot of farmers in debt. Candidate due to too high yielding rice seeds, about 1,500 local rice varieties have become extinct in the last 15 years.Although the Law. 12/1992 has been mentioned that "farmers have the freedom to determine the choice of the type of plant and its cultivation", but the verse is countered again by the next verse, that "farmers are obliged to participate in realizing the plan of development and production of plant cultivation" (government program). That way, the freedom of farmers is castrated by the regime.It is certain that the Green Revolution only benefit producers of fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, and farmers capitalized. The Green Revolution was made to increase agricultural production, which is used as a benchmark as one of the successes of the New Order. However, underneath it all, there is the plight of the farmers. Not to mention the damage to the ecological system of farming losses can not be valued in money.Myth of the amazing Green Revolution was born because it is supported by the technology developed from the system of modern science, from genetics to applied chemistry. Wonder if Masanobu Fukuoka, a pioneer of natural farming in Japan, once said: "The role of scientists in society is analogous to the role of discrimination in your own thoughts.". It has been shown that the application of the Green Revolution in Indonesia have a negative impact on the environment due to the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. And the Green Revolution in Indonesia is not always the welfare of rice farmers
One of the problems faced by the New Order government is that food production is not balanced by an increasing population density. Therefore, the New Order of the Green Revolution in the program include Pelita. The Green Revolution was implemented nationally. What is the Green Revolution is that? The Green Revolution was a major change with regard to the cultivation of land and agriculture.
The positive impact of the Green Revolution in Indonesia:a. Increasing the productivity of food crops.b. Increased food production led to the industry being the primary requirement is met.c. Indonesia achieved self-sufficiency in rice.d. Quality of food crops is increasing.
While the negative impact of the Green Revolution in Indonesia, among others:a. The use of artificial fertilizers and excessive pwstisida will result in agricultural land becomes fertile again.b. Reduced genetic diversity of certain crops caused by homogenization certain crops are developed.c. Agricultural mechanism resulting in the traditional way of farming became marginalized.d. Declining sense of mutual cooperation.e. Yields of some of the Green Revolution has decreased.
Basically, the policies of the New Order under the leadership of President Suharto has managed to increase economic growth high enough. President Suharto had earned a Father of Development for successfully realizing national development. National development at this time also cause negative side is marked by the emergence of symptoms of crony capitalism is a term that refers to the capitalists are circling the New Order regime based on the principles of kinship. The existence of crony capitalism has led to the economic inequities that impact felt by society, especially the middle class down. These conditions gave rise to social ills that descend elements of governance and society became known as KKN practices.
Agricultural modernization policies in the new order known as the Green Revolution.
The Green Revolution is changing the way of how traditional farming to modern ways.
The Green Revolution (Green Revolution) is a revolution in the production of grains from the scientific discoveries of a new form of improved seed varieties, wheat, rice, and corn yields resulting in high commodity.
Purpose of the green revolution is changing the old-style farmers (peasant) a new style farmers (farmers), modernizing agriculture to meet the old-style industrialization of the national economy. The green revolution is characterized by the decreasing dependence of the farmers on the weather and nature because of the increased role of science and technology to increase food production.
Background The advent of the Green Revolution was due to the problem of poverty due to population growth are not comparable with the rapid increase in food production. So do control the number of births and increasing search effort and research Binit excel in the field of Agriculture. These efforts occur based on research conducted by Thomas Robert Malthus.
Indonesian government's efforts to encourage green revolution reached by way of:
1. Intensification of Agriculture
Agricultural intensification in Indonesia known as the Five Farms which includes:
a. Seed Selection Superior
b. Good Soil Treatment
c. Fertilization
d. Irrigation
e. Pest Control
2. Agricultural extensification
Agricultural extension, namely Expanding land that can be planted with the opening of new land (eg convert barren land into arable land, clearing forests, etc.).
3. Diversification of Agriculture
Enterprise diversification of crops on a farm through intercropping systems. Business is profitable because it can prevent the staple crop failure, expanding sources of foreign exchange, prevent a decline in the income of farmers.
4. Agricultural Rehabilitation
Is the recovery of agricultural productivity of critical resources, which endanger the environment, as well as vulnerable areas in order to improve living standards for people in the area. Farms will produce food and environmental as well as stabilizers.
Implementation of the Green Revolution:
Government to provide counseling and guidance to farmers.
Marketing activities agricultural production running smoothly is often the development of technology and communication.
specialized crops that are planted, known as monoculture, the planting of land with only one type of plant.
The development of tissue culture techniques to obtain the expected seeds that are resistant to disease and only suitable to be planted in a particular field.
farmers use rice seedlings developing a results of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI = International Rice Research Institute) in collaboration with the government, the seeds are high yielding rice seeds known as IR.
The pattern of change of the pattern of subsistence agriculture into a pattern of capital and commercialization.
State opened the investments through the construction of modern irrigation and of developing the national fertilizer industry.
Government established cooperatives known as KUD (Village Unit Cooperatives).
Positive Impact of the Green Revolution:
Providing employment for farmers and agricultural laborers.
The area which was only able to produce a limited basis and only to meet the minimum needs of the community can enjoy better results because of the green revolution.
food shortages can be resolved.
The agricultural sector to become pillars of the Indonesian economy, especially noticeable when the economic crisis hit Indonesia so people turn to venture into the agricultural sector.
Negative Impact of Green Revolution:
Came the commercialization of agricultural production
Appears individualist stance in terms of land tenure
There is a change in the social structure and patterns of relationships antarlapisan rural farmers in the village where the relationship between the separate layers and a social force in the opposite interest.
fading kinship systems in communities initially be binding relationships between layers.
Emerging economic inequality since the transfer of title to the land through purchase.
the high price of land not covered by the economic capacity of farmers so that the bottom layer of rich farmers have a tremendous opportunity to increase the area of land.
Emerging social inequalities due to different land yanmg pendapatanpun lead levels will be different.
visible gap comes from the difference in building styles and styles of dress that became a symbol of the identity of a social layer.
Start efforts of farmers to switch jobs to another type as perkembagan technology.
Technological developments provide a positive influence for Indonesia especially for the improvement of the food industry:
The use of artificial fertilizers and chemicals to combat pests that pertanianpun production increases.
lahanpun treatment process becomes faster with used tractors
The processing of the results to be faster with the rice grinder
The negative impact of these technological developments is
The incidence of pollution in water and soil due to the use of pesticides (chemical fertilizers) excess. For if the element of nitrate and phosphate contained in fertilizers in large quantities into the river will lead to the growth of blue algae and other aquatic plants that cause drying of the river because of the many aquatic plants (eutrophication).
The use of pesticides to kill pests, pest insects, birds, fish and other animals. Even from the elements contained in pesticides can become life-threatening compounds.
Implementation of monocultures cause unequal relationship between the land, animals, and plants so that the balance of nature will be disrupted causing outbreaks of pests and diseases.
The system of shifting cultivation or harvesting of trees in large quantities by forest concession holders (HPH) to created a new settlement kususnya cause environmental damage to the soil ecosystem.
The narrower converted into agricultural land for residential and industrial areas.
Increased activity of extracting natural resources, mining, logging less attention to environmental conditions.
Reduction of the amount of human labor involved in the production process because it has been replaced by machines that are capital-intensive and labor-saving. Impact on unemployment.
The Green Revolution was led efforts to modernize the impact on the development of industrialization characterized by rational economic thinking. Thought it would lead to capitalism.
With industrialization is also a cultural process whereby public dibagun of a lifestyle or culture patterned traditional agrarian society into an industrial society and cultural life. Industrial development can not be separated from the long journey in the field of technological discoveries that drive the changes in society.
Government efforts to improve industrialization are:
- Enhance the development of information networks, communications, transportation to facilitate the flow of communication between regions of the archipelago.
- Developing the agricultural industry
- Develop non-agricultural industries, especially oil and gas boomed.
- The development of the shipbuilding industry to build shipyard in Surabaya Indonesia managed olrh PT.PAL.
- Development Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN) which later became PT. Dirgantara Indonesia.
- Development of an industrial area in Jakarta, Cilacap, Surabaya, Medan and Batam.
- Since 1985 the government issued a policy of deregulation in the fields of industry and investment.
Industrialization in Indonesia is characterized by:
Achieving efficiency and effectiveness.
The amount of labor absorbed into the industrial sectors.
Changes in the behavioral patterns of the old patterns into new behaviors characterized by modern industrial society such rationalization.
Rising per capita income of people in various regions, especially in the industrial area.
Menigkatnya needs of people who use the results of both the industry of food, clothing, and tools to support agriculture and so on.
The positive impact of industrialization is the achievement of efficiency and effectiveness.
The negative impacts of industrialization is the emergence of social and economic inequalities are characterized by poverty and the emergence of social pathology (social ills) such as juvenile delinquency and crime.
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