



Ferns (Pteridophyta) is the division of the kingdom Plantae whose members have roots, stems, and true leaves, and has a carrier vessel. Ferns often called kormofita berspora as it pertains to the roots, stems, leaves, true, and reproduce asexually by spores. Ferns are also known as vascular plant (Tracheophyta) because it has a carrier vessel.
A. The characteristics of ferns
Characteristics ferns include the size, shape, structure, and function of the body
The size and shape of the body
Ferns have sizes varying from a height of about 2 cm, for example in the living ferns floating in the water, until the ferns that live on land that reaches 5 m pole eg spikes (Sphaeropteris). Ancient ferns that have become fossilized reaching an estimated height of 15 m. Forms ferns alive today vary, there are sheet-shaped, shrubs or trees, and there were like deer antlers.
Ferns consists of two generations, the sporophyte generation and the gametophyte generation. Sporophyte generation and the gametophyte generation is growing alternately in cycles tumbuahan nails. Sporophyte generation is a plant that produces spores while the gametophyte generation plants producing cells are gametes (sex cells). In ferns, the sporophyte generation is larger and lives longer than the gametophyte generation. Therefore, ferns sporophyte generation is called the dominant generation. Sporophyte generation is what we commonly refer to as ferns.
Structure and function of the body ferns sporophyte generation
Sporophyte ferns generally have roots, stems, and true leaves. However, there are some types that do not have true roots and leaves. There ferns stems that grow under the ground called the dried rhizome and there is growing above the soil surface. Stems that grow on the ground there menggarpu branched and unbranched straight there. Ferns that do not have the real roots of the roots have the form rizoid contained in dried rhizome or stem base. There were leafy ferns small (mikrofil) and there is a large leafy (makrofil). Small leafy ferns, leaves form of scales. Ferns leaves contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll ferns that no leaves or small leaves are on the stem.
Sporophyte ferns have a sporangium that produces spores. In the sporophyte plant species are leafless spikes, sporangiumnya located along the stem. In the leafy ferns, sporangiumnya lies in the fertile leaves (sporofil). The leaves do not contain sporangium called sterile leaves (tropofil). Sporofil there is a form strands and shaped Strobilus there. Strobilus is a combination of several sporofil that form a cone-like structures at the tips of the branches. In sporofil shaped strands, forming clusters sporangium sorus. Sorus protected by a membrane called indisium. Most ferns have vascular phloem and xylem transport form. Phloem is organic nutrient transport vessels of photosynthesis. Xylem is a transport vessel inorganic compounds such as water and minerals from the roots to all parts of the plant. Sporophyte produces spores that will grow to form a heart-shaped structure called the gametophyte or protaliaum protalus.
Structure and function of the body of the gametophyte generation of ferns
Gametophyte ferns measuring only a few millimeters. Most ferns have a heart-shaped gametophyte called protalus. Protalus form sheet, has rizoid on the bottom, and has a chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Protalus free life without relying on the sporophyte for nutritional requirements. Gametophyte certain types of ferns that do not have the chlorophyll can not photosynthesize. Ferns food without chlorophyll obtained by symbiosis with fungi.
Gametophyte have the sexual reproduction. Male reproductive organs are anteridium. Anteridium produce spermatozoid berflagelum. Reproductive females is arkegonium. Arkegonium produce ova. Certain types of ferns gametophyte has two kinds of reproductive organs in the same individual. Gametophyte with two types of reproduction called bisexual gametophyte. Gametophyte that have only anteridium alone or arkegonium just called called gametophyte uniseksual. Bisexual gametophyte produced by heterospora nails (nails that produces two different types of spores).
B. Living and Habitat Plant Spikes
Fotoautotrof ferns are plants. No one living ferns floating in the water (eg Azolla pinnata and Marsilea crenata). However, in general, ferns are terrestrial plants (land plants).
C. Reproduction
Ferns reproduce asexually and sexually. Asexual and sexual reproduction in plants such as the spikes occurred in moss. Reproduction ferns showed a rotation between generations gametophyte and sporophyte generations (metagenesis). In ferns, the sporophyte generation is the dominant generation in the life cycle.
Gametophyte generation produced by asexual reproduction by spores. Spores produced by spores stem cell division that occurs in the sporangium. Sporangium contained in the sporophyte (sporogonium) located on the leaves or stems. Haploid spores (n) generated blown by the wind and if it gets in the appropriate place would be protalus and further grow into a haploid gametophyte (n).
Gametophyte has two types of reproduction, namely anteridium and arkegonium, or one type of reproduction, namely anteridium alone or arkegonium only. Arkegonium produce an ovum which haploid (n). Anteridium produced many berflagelum spermatozoid are haploid (n). Spermatozoid intermediate water moving towards the ovum in arkegonium. Spermatozoid then fertilize the ovum. Fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoid in arkegonium produce a diploid zygote (2n). Zygote divides and grows into an embryo (2n). The embryo grows into a diploid sporophyte (2n). Metagenesis ferns can be seen from the diagram metagenesis ferns, as follows:
Metagenesis Plant Spikes
Arkegonium (n)
Spores (n)
Protalus or protalium (n)
Anteridium (n)
Egg (n)
Spermatozoid (n)
Zygote (2n)
Ferns (2n)
Spores (n)
D. Classification
Based on the type of spores produced, ferns can be divided into three, namely:
1. Nails Homospora,
Homospora nails are the type of ferns that produce spores of the same kind of big. Examples are wire nails (Lycopodium)
2. Nails Heterospora
Heterospora nails are nails that plants produce two types of spores of different sizes. Large spores called makrospora (female gametes), while a small spores called microspores (male gametes). An example is the nail rane (Selaginella) and clover (Marsilea).
3. Nails Transition
Nails transition is a kind of ferns that produce spores with the same shape and size, as well as the unknown male and female gametes. An example is the transition ferns Horsetail (Equisetum)
Based on the characteristics of the body, ferns are classified into four subdivisions, namely ancient nails (Psilopsida), wire nails (Lycopsida), Paku horses (Sphenopsida), and a real nail (Pteropsida).
1. Ancient spikes (Psilopsida)
Ancient ferns that are still alive today is estimated only 10 species to 13 species of these two genera. Nails ancient life in the tropics and subtropics. Sporophyte ancient nails there who do not have true roots and has no true leaves.
Ancient nails that have a generally small leaves (mikrofil) and shaped scales. Stem branched spikes ancient dichotomy with the high reaching 30 cm to 1 m. Ancient nails also do not have transport vessels. Ancient fern stems contain chlorophyll so that it can perform photosynthesis. Branches and stems containing a set of sporangium mikrofil located along the trunk branch. Sporofil ancient nails produce one type spores (homospora). Gametofitnya not have chlorophyll and contains anteridium and arkegonium. Gametophyte nail ancient symbiosis with fungi to obtain nutrients. Examples of ancient ferns are ancient leafless spikes (Rhynia) and small-leaved ancient nails (Psilotum).
2. Wire nails (Lycopsida)
Wire nails includes 1,000 species of ferns, particularly of the genus Lycopodium and Selaginella. Wire nails grow in the forests of the tropics and subtropics. Wire nails stuck in a tree or live freely in the soil. A wire nails have roots, stems, and true leaves. Leaves small wire ferns and compact. Sporangium contained in structured form sporofil Strobilus on the rod tip. Strobilus shaped like a cone on a pine cone. Therefore, wire nail called ground pine. At spikes rane (Selaginella) sporangium consists of two types, namely mikrosporangium and megasporangium. Mikrosporangium found on mikrosporofil (leaves containing mikrosporangium). Mikrosporangium produce microspores that will grow into a male gametophyte. Megasporangium found on megasporofil (leaves containing megasporangium). Megasporangium produce megaspore that will grow into a female gametophyte.
Gametophyte wire nails small and lacking chlorophyll. Gametophyte obtain food from a symbiotic fungus dengannnya. Gemetofit wire nails was uniseksual, which contains only or arkegonium anteridium only. Gametophyte wire nails was also bisexual, which contains anteridium and arkegonium. Uniseksual gametophyte found in Selaginella. Selaginella is heterospora ferns while bisexual gametophyte found in Lycopodium.
3. Horse tail spikes (Sphenopsida)
Horsetail is currently only live about 25 species of one genus, Equisetum ie. Equisetum mainly live in moist habitats in temperate regions. Equisetum highest reaches only 4.5 m while the average height of less than 1 m Equisetum. Equisetum have roots, stems, and true leaves. Segmented trunk and surrounded on every ruasnya small scale-like leaves. Horsetail Equisetum called because the shape of the trunk like a ponytail. The crackers were hard due siliceous cell wall. Sporangium contained on Strobilus. Sporangium produces a single type of spore, so Equisetum classified at intermediate ferns. Equisetum gametophyte is only a few millimeters in size but can carry out photosynthesis. Gametofitnya contains arkegonium anteridium and so it is a bisexual gametophyte.

4. True Nails (Pteropsida)
True Nails nails include plant species that we see most often. Place a real nail grows mostly on land in the tropics and subtropics. True Nails estimated 12,000 Filicinae types of classes. Filicinae have roots, stems, and true leaves. Rods can be either in the trunk (dried rhizome) or stem above ground. Leaves Filicinae generally large and have branched veins. Young leaves have a characteristic that is growing roll (circinnatus). Types of nails, including nail that is true clover (Marsilea crenata), Paku deer antlers (Platycerium bifurcatum), bird's nest fern (Asplenium nidus), maidenhair ferns (Adiantum cuneatum), Paku fields (Azolla pinnata), and Dicksonia antarctica.
E. Benefits of Plants Nails
Several types of ferns can diamanfaatkan for the benefit of humans. Types of ferns that can be used ie clover (Marsilea crenata) is eaten as a vegetable, nail rane (Selaginella plana) as a remedy to heal wounds, Spikes fields (Azolla pinnata) as green manure crops in the rice paddy, maidenhair ferns (Adiantum cuneatum) and spike deer (Platycerium bifurcatum) as

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