
makalah gadung karya ilmiah


Sense of gratitude puja and prayed to the presence of the author of the Almighty God for His will is His scientific work can be completed on time. Writing this paper aims to follow the scientific writing competition. In addition to the race, the purpose of writing this paper is to find an alternative substitute inorganic pesticides with organic pesticides.

In the completion of this paper, the authors fraught with difficulties, mainly due to the lack of science writers in doing scientific work and in doing experiments in labotarium. With the help and guidance of the various parties, eventually scientific papers can be completed on time, although there are still many shortcomings. Therefore, the appropriate author would like to thank:1. Head of SMAN 2 Singingi, Drs. Yuli Afriza. the confidence given to the author.2. Eka Satria all that really helped me in doing this Ilmiyah work.3. A class XI IPA 1 which gives encouragement.4. His father and mother loved that much to give encouragement and support, both morally and spiritually, and that has given the idea of ​​scientific papers. Hopefully, this paper can be useful for halayak crowded.5. Homeroom XI IPA 1, which helped to boost morale and spirit so that the work is completed Ilmiyah I made.6. And all those who have helped, either directly or indirectly which can not be mentioned one by one.

The authors recognize, as a student who knows not how, and still have a lot to learn in the writing of scientific papers, that this paper still has many shortcomings. Therefore, the authors are looking forward to any criticism and suggestions from various parties who are positive that scientific work is getting better and efficient future to come.

Hopefully the author's hope that this simple scientific work can be applied by farmers to kill insektida. With the use of these organic pesticides can reduce environmental pollution caused by inorganic pesticides.

Singingi, 23 April 2012

AUTHORTABLE OF CONTENTSWORD ivSign up viSign up viiviiiCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION1.1 Background Issues .............................................. ..................... 11.2 Problem Formulation ............................................... ............................. 31.3 Objectives Research ............................................... ............................... 3CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FOUNDATION2.1 Pesticides ................................................ ........................................... 42.2 Gadung Plant (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) .............................. 6Growing Bulbs .............................................. 2.3 Gadung .................... 8CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 ...... Time and Place of Research .............................................. ............ 11th3.2 ...... Hypothesis ................................................. .......................................... 11th3.3 ...... Tools and Materials Research .............................................. .................. 11th3.4 ...... Work Procedures ................................................ .................................. 11thCHAPTER IV ANALYSIS OF WORKS4.1 ...... Observation Results ................................................ ............................. 14th4.2 ...... Alikasi Science ................................................ ..................................... 14thCHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS6.1 Conclusion ................................................ ....................................... 16th6.2 16thSign up 17th18th

List of TablesTable 1.1........... Types of pesticides and their use ............................................ ......................... 5Table 1.2........... The environment in which plants grow yam ............................................. .......... 7Table 1.3........... Gadung Plant Maintenance Level (%) ........................................... ................ 8Table 1.4........... The use of organic pesticides estrak gadung as ............................................ .. 14th


by: Arif Mudi Priyatno

NIS: 1674

Tubers of yam (Dioscorea hispida Dennst) is a plant perambat, aged chronic (perennial), length of approximately 10 m. This plant is a stem tuber, fibrous roots, woody stems, cylindrical, twisted, green color, the inside of a solid surface is smooth and spiny. Yam tuber has been used by some people as pest control. The research paper aims to demonstrate the scientific and seek alternative substitute inorganic pesticides. Experimental animals used in this study were crickets and cockroaches. The method used in this research is to conduct experimental test results 100% estrak yam can kill cockroaches and crickets nine tails. With pencampuran50% water and 50% yam estrak kills 7 tails 6 tails crickets and cockroaches. By mixing 75% and 25% yam estrak water can kill 8 tails crickets and 7 crawly. Estrak yam tubers can kill animals, thus yam tubers can be used as an organic pesticide. Compounds contained in yam tubers that can kill insects is the compound cyanide. Cyanide formed enzymatically from two precursor compounds (will poison), namely linamarin and mertil linamarin. Besides functioning as an organic pesticide can also be cultivated yam tubers with bulbs or seeds and cuttings.

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