
makalah PKN(english)

Coat of Arms of Indonesia Garuda Pancasila.svg
The acceptance of Pancasila as the state and national ideology logical consequence that the value - the value of Pancasila as the basic foundation, the fundamental basis for the implementation of the Indonesian nation. Contains five principles of Pancasila which essentially contains five basic fundamental values. The fundamental values ​​of Pancasila is one almighty deity value, the value of a just and civilized humanity, the unity of Indonesia values, democratic values ​​which was chaired by the wisdom of deliberation / representation and justice values ​​of social justice in a fair and civilized.
Pancasila is the basis for the state ideology of Indonesia. This name consists of two words from Sanskrit: Panca means five and Sila means principle or principles. Pancasila is the formulation and guidelines for national and state life for all the people of Indonesia.
Five major joints making up Pancasila is belief in the one God, just and civilized humanity, the unity of Indonesia, democracy led by the wisdom of deliberation / representation, and social justice for all Indonesian people, and is listed in the fourth paragraph Preambule (Opening) Act of 1945.
Despite the changes in the content and order of the five principles of Pancasila which took place in several stages during the formulation of Pancasila in 1945, June 1 is celebrated as the birth of Pancasila.
Panca Sila presented by Sukarno on June 1, 1945 in what became known spontaneous speech entitled "The Birth of Pancasila". Sukarno suggested the following basics: nationality; Internationalism; Consensus, foundation representatives, the principle of deliberation; Welfare; Godhead. Pancasila name was pronounced by Sukarno in a speech on June 1, he said:
Current number of principles: nationalism, internationalism, consensus, prosperity, and divine, five bilangannya. His name is not Panca Dharma, but I call this the guidance of a linguist friend of ours - his name is Pancasila. Sila means or basic principles, and on this basis we set up a fifth of the Indonesian state, eternal and immutable.
After the formulation of Pancasila as the state received some documents formally stipulation is:

* Formula One: Charter Jakarta (Jakarta Charter) - dated June 22, 1945
* Formulation of Two: Preamble to the Constitution - dated August 18, 1945
* Formula Three: The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Mukaddimah States - dated December 27, 1949
* Formulation Fourth: Mukaddimah Constitution while - dated August 15, 1950
* Formulation Fifth: Second formulation inspired by Formula One (referring to the Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959)

Grains Pancasila
MPR Decree no. II/MPR/1978 about Ekaprasetia Pancakarsa outlines the five principles of Pancasila to 36 grains of practice as a practical guide for the implementation of Pancasila.



1. Believe it and Piety to the Almighty God according to the religion and beliefs of each on the basis of a just and civilized humanity.
2. Respect and cooperation among religious followers and the adherents of different beliefs that forged harmonious life.
3. Mutual respect for the freedom to worship according to their religion or belief.
4. Not impose a religion and beliefs to others.
5. Indonesia rejects belief in atheism.

B. SILA HUMANITARIAN just and civilized

1. Acknowledging equality equal rights and equality among human obligations.
2. Fellow human beings in love.
3. Develop an attitude of tolerance.
4. Arbitrarily towards others.
5. Uphold human values.
6. Love to serve humanity.
7. Dare to defend truth and justice.
8. The Indonesian people feel themselves a part of the whole human race, because it was developed respect-respect and cooperation with other nations.


1. Putting unity, unity, interests, and safety of the nation above personal or group interests.
2. Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation.
3. Love of country and nation.
4. Proud as areas of Indonesia and the country of Indonesia.
5. Advancing socially sake of national unity, air-Unity in Diversity.

D. SILA democracy guided by the inner wisdom CONSULTATIVE / REPRESENTATIVES

1. The interests of the state and society.
2. Not overbearing to others.
3. Prioritize deliberation in making decisions for the common good.
4. Deliberation to reach a conclusion filled with the spirit of kinship.
5. In good faith and a sense of responsibility to accept and implement the consensus reached.
6. Deliberation done with common sense and in accordance with the noble conscience.
7. Decisions may need to be morally accountable to God Almighty, upholding human dignity and values ​​of truth and justice.


1. Developing a noble deeds that reflect the attitude and family atmosphere and mutual help.
2. Be fair.
3. Maintaining a balance between rights and obligations.
4. Respect the rights of others.
5. Like giving help to others.
6. Steer clear of extortion attitude towards others.
7. Do not be wasteful.
8. Not luxurious lifestyle.
9. Not perform acts that harm the public interest.
10. Hardworking.
11. Appreciating the work of others.
12. Together striving to achieve equitable progress and social justice.
This decree was later repealed by the MPR Decree no. I/MPR/2003 with 45 grains of Pancasila. Never published a study on whether these items actually practiced in everyday Indonesian.

First principle


1. Indonesia has stated his belief and piety towards God Almighty.
2. Indonesia's human trust and devotion to God Almighty, according to the religion and beliefs of each on the basis of a just and civilized humanity.
3. Developing respect respect and cooperation among religions with adherents of different beliefs in God Almighty.
4. Foster harmonious living among religious and belief in God Almighty.
5. Religion and belief in Almighty God is a matter involving personal relationship with God Almighty.
6. Developing mutual respect freedom of religion and worship according to their respective beliefs.
7. Not impose a religion and belief in Almighty God to others.
Sila second


1. Recognize and treat people according to the status and dignity as a creature of God Almighty.
2. Acknowledging equality, equality, rights and obligations of every human being, without distinction of race, ancestry, religion, creed, sex, social status, skin color and so on.
3. Developing mutual love fellow human beings.
4. Develop an attitude of mutual tolerance and tepa selira.
5. Develop an attitude of persecution against others.
6. Upholding the values ​​of humanity.
7. Love to serve humanity.
8. Dare to defend truth and justice.
9. The Indonesian people feel themselves a part of the whole human race.
10. Develop a respectful attitude to respect and cooperate with other nations.
Third Precept

Banyan Tree.

1. Being able to put the unity, unity, and the interests and safety of the nation and the state as a common interest above personal and group interests.
2. Able and willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the state and the nation if necessary.
3. Developing a love for the homeland and the nation.
4. Developing a sense of national pride and earthy Indonesian water.
5. Maintain a world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice.
6. Developing unity of Indonesia on the basis of unity in diversity.
7. Advancing socially sake of national unity.


Bull Head

1. As citizens and residents, all Indonesian people have a position, rights, and obligations.
2. Should not impose its will to others.
3. Prioritize deliberation in making decisions for the common good.
4. Deliberations to reach consensus permeated by the spirit of kinship.
5. Respect and uphold any decision reached as a result of deliberation.
6. Good faith and sense of responsibility to accept and implement the consensus decision.
7. In the discussion of mutual interests take precedence over the interests of individuals and groups.
8. Deliberation done with common sense and in accordance with the noble conscience.
9. Decisions may need to be morally accountable to God Almighty, upholding human dignity, the values ​​of truth and justice promoting unity and unity for the common interest.
10. Giving credence to representatives believed to carry Pemusyawaratan.
Fifth Precept

Rice and Cotton.

1. Developing a noble deed, which reflects the attitude and family atmosphere and mutual cooperation.
2. Develop a fair attitude towards others.
3. Maintaining a balance between rights and obligations.
4. Respect the rights of others.
5. Like giving aid to others in order to stand alone.
6. Do not use the property for businesses that are extorted from the others.
7. Do not use the property for things that are wasteful and extravagant lifestyle.
8. Do not use the property for a conflict with or detrimental to the public interest.
9. Hardworking.
10. Like to appreciate the work of others that are beneficial to the progress and prosperity together.
11. Like to do activities in order to achieve equitable progress and social justice.

· What is the value?
· Apasajakah a variety of value?
· What sajakan Characteristics Value?
· What is the purpose whether Pancasila as the source of value?

· To increase the knowledge to the students / i 2 Singingi SMA.
· As the duties of citizenship
· Multiplying the maximum information available.
· Increase the sense of nationalists in the country, especially in the Pancasila as the source of value ..

Value is something of value, quality, show quality, and useful for humans. Something that means something is worth valuable or usefulfor human life.

The existence of two kinds of values ​​are in line with Pancasila as the assertionopen ideology. The formulation of Pancasila as the opening of the 1945 Constitution. Paragraph 4 is expressed as a base value and penjabarannya as instrumental value.The base value does not change and can not be changed anymore. However importantbasic values ​​contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution that, it has notoperational. It means we have not been able to translate it directly ineveryday life. Explanation of the 1945 Constitution itself point to the implementation of the law as the basis of the written law. Basic values ​​contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution that requires further elaboration. The translation of it as a direction for real life. Elaboration was then called Instrumental Value.
Instrumental value must also adhere to the basic valuesdijabarkannya translation of it can be done in a creative and dynamic innew forms to embody the same spirit and within the limitsmade possible by the basic values. Elaboration that obviously should not becontrary to basic values.


The properties of value according to Bambang Daroeso (1986) is as follows.
a. Value is an abstract reality and there is a human life. Abstract values ​​can not be diindra. It can be observed that the object is worth it. For example, people with honesty. Honesty is a value, but we can not perceive honesty. What we can sense it is honesty.
b. Value has a normative nature, meaning the value contains hopes, ideals, and a must so that the value nemiliki ideal properties (das sollen). Values ​​embodied in human form as the basis of norms in the act. For example, the value of justice. Everyone hopes and gain and behavior that reflects the value of justice.
c. Value serves as the impetus / motivator and people are supportingvalue. Humans act based and driven by the values ​​he believes.For example, the value of piety. This makes the value of all people are driven to achieve the degree of piety.

In philosophy, values ​​divided into three kinds, namely
a. Valued logic is completely wrong value.
b. Aesthetic value is not wonderful wonderful value.
c. Ethical / moral good is bad value.
Based on the above classification, we can set an example in life. If a student can answer a question, he logically correct. If he erred in answering, we say wrong. We can not say it was a bad student because the answer wrong. Poor is a moral value that is not our place to say so.
Examples of aesthetic value is when we see a sight, watching a stage show, or taste of food, the aesthetic value isopinion to yourself that question. Someone will be happy withsaw a painting which he thought very beautiful, but others maydo not like the painting. We can not impose that luikisan itbeautiful. Moral values ​​are a part of the value, ie the value of the deal with behaviorgood or bad of manusia.moral always associated with a value, but notall values ​​are moral values. Moral behavior or actions related tohumans. Moral values ​​is more related to the behavior of livingour day-to-day.
Notonegoro in Kaelan (2000) mentions the existence of three kinds of value. These three values ​​are as follows.
a. Material values, ie everything that is useful for physical life
human or human bodily needs.
b. Vital values, ie everything that is useful for people to be able
organize events or activities.
c. Spiritual values, and of all things that are useful for the human spirit.Spiritual values ​​include
1) The value of truth derived from reason (ratio, cultivation, copyright) man.
2) The value of beauty or aesthetic value which is based on the element of feeling
(Emotion) man.
3) The value of moral goodness or value that originates in the element will

(Intention, Will) man.
Religious value is an absolute value and as well as the highest keohanianrooted in trust or confidence man.

The acceptance of Pancasila as the state and national ideology broughtlogical consequence that the values ​​of Pancasila made basic foundation, the cornerstonefundamental for the realization of the state of Indonesia. Contains five principles of Pancasilaessentially contains five basic fundamental values. Basic valuesPancasila is the value of the Belief in God Almighty, Human ValueA just and civilized, values ​​the unity of Indonesia, democracy guided valuesby the wisdom role in deliberation / representation, and the value of Justicesocial for all the people of Indonesia. In a brief statement thatPancasila value is the value of divinity, humanity, unity values, democratic values, and the values ​​of justice.

1. The meaning of value in the Pancasila
a. Belief in the value of
Almighty deity Value Containing meaning the recognition of and confidence in the nation against the existence of God as pancipta universe. With this value states the Indonesian nation is a religious nation is not an atheist nation. Value also features the divine meaning of the recognition of the freedom of religion, respect for religious freedom, no coercion and no discriminatory effect among religious believers.
b. Value Humanity
The value of a just and civilized humanity implies an attitude of awareness and behavior in accordance with moral values ​​in life together on the basis of demandconscience by treating something as it should be.
c. Value Unity
Value of unity implies Indonesia united efforts towards the determination of the people to foster a sense of nationalism in the Republic of Indonesia. Unity of Indonesia as well as recognize and fully appreciate the diversity of the nation owned by Indonesia ..
d. Value Populist
Democratic values ​​are guided by the wisdom of deliberation / representation implies a government of the people, by the people and for the people by way of consensus agreement through representative institutions.
e. Rated Justice
The value of social justice for all Indonesian people has meaning as well as the basic purpose, namely the achievement of the Indonesian people and the FairAtauun inwardly outwardly prosperous. Basic values ​​and normative nature abstract. Because of its abstract and normative, it can not be operationalized. In order to be operational and explicit, have translated into instrumental values. Examples of instrumental values ​​are the 1945 Constitution and other legislation. As the basic values, these values ​​are a source of value. That is, drawing on five core values ​​described above can be made and instrumental values ​​Indonesian state administration.

2. Pancasila became Norma Resources Law
Efforts to realize Pancasila as the source of values ​​is the basic values ​​maketh a source for the preparation of the rule of law in Indonesia. Operationalization of the basic values ​​that are maketh Pancasila Pancasila as the basic norms for preparing the legal norm in Indonesia. Country Indonesia has a national law which is a unified system of law. Indonesia's legal system is derived, and based on the Pancasila as the basic norm state. Pancasila serves as grundnorm (basic norm) or staatfundamentalnorm (fondamental norm state) in the levels of the rule of law in Indonesia. Pancasila values ​​further elaborated in perundangam existing regulations. Legislation, statutes, decisions, government policies, development programs, and other regulations is essentially a translation of the instrumental value of the basic values ​​of Pancasila.
The legal system in Indonesia to form a sort order legislation. Tata sequence regulations as stipulated in the provisions of Decree No.. III/MPR/2000 about the source of law and order legislation as follows.
a. Constitution of 1945
b. Decree of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia
c. Law
d. Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Regulation)
e. Government Regulation
f. Presidential Decree
g. Local Regulation

Law No. 10 Year 2004 on the establishment of legislation also mentions the types and hierarchy of ruleslegislation as follows:
a. Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.
b. Undang-undang/peraturan successor government legislation (Government Regulation)
c. Government regulations
d. Regulation president
e. Local regulations.
Article 2 of Law no. 10 of 2004 states that Pancasila is the source of all sources of state law. This is consistent with his position as a base (philosophical) as stated in the opening paragraph IV of the 1945 Constitution.
3. Pancasila became Norma Ethics Resource
Other efforts to realize Pancasila as the source of value is themake the basic values ​​of Pancasila as the source of the formation of ethical norms (normsmoral) in the life of society, nation and state. The valuesPancasila is a moral value. Therefore, the value of Pancasila also beembodied into moral norms (ethics). Norms of conductcan then be used as a guide or reference in attitude andbehave in the life of the nation.
Indonesian nation is now successfully formulate ethical norms asguidelines in the act and behave. Norms of conduct comesthe Pancasila as the nation's cultural values. The formulation of norms of conductprovisions contained in Decree No.. VI/MPR/2001 on Ethics of the nation, state, and society.
MPR Decree. VI/MPR/2001 about the ethics of nation, state, and society is a translation of the values ​​of Pancasila as a guide in thinking, attitude, and behavior that is a reflection of religious values ​​and culture that is rooted in community life

a. Social Ethics and Culture
Ethics was based on a deep sense of humanity by showingre being honest, mutual care, mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutuallove, and mutual help among people and the nation. In the same breathit also revived the culture of shame, the shame make mistakesand all were opposed to religious moral values ​​and noble culturenation. For that, it should be brought back to life to be exemplary culturestarted and is shown for example by the leaders at every level andsociety.

b. Government Ethics and Politics
Ethics is intended to achieve a clean, efficient, and effective; foster a democratic political atmosphere characterized byopenness, sense of responsibility, responsive to the aspirations of the people; appreciatedifferences; honest competition; availability to accept the opinion thateven truer coming from person to person or group of people, as well asupholding human rights. Ethics rule mandates that theofficials have a sense of high concern in providing services topublic, ready to resign if he felt he had violated the rules and systemsvalue or be unable to meet the mandate of the people, nation, andcountries.

c. Economic and Business Ethics
Business and economic ethics is intended that the principles and economic behavior, either by personal, institutional and decision-makers in the economy, can give birth kiondisi and economic reality characterized by the competition honest, fair, encouraging economic development work ethic, economic resilience and competitiveness, and the creation of an atmosphere conducive to the economic empowerment of the people through joint efforts on an ongoing basis. It aims to prevent the occurrence of monopolistic practices, oligopoly, economic policies, corruption or racial nuances negative impact on efficiency, competition, and fairness and to avoid behavior justifies any means to make a profit.

d. Justice Law Enforcement Ethics
Ethics law enforcement and justice keasadaran intended to foster that social order, peace, and order of living together can only be realized by obedience to the laws and regulations.The overall rule of law that guarantees the supremacy of law in line with pemenuha leads to a sense of justice that live and thrive in thesociety.

e. Scientific Ethics and Discipline Life
Ethics of science realized with respect tingghi the values ​​of science and technology to be able to think rationally, critically, logically and objectively. Ethics is ethics is displayed in private and collective behavior orfond of reading, studying, researching, writing, discussing, and creativecreating new works, and together create a climateconducive to the development of science and technology.
With the ethics of the Pancasila values ​​reflected in the norms of ethical life of the nation we can resume practicing. For a successfulrelying on behavioral norms of ethical life of the nation,There are some things that need to be done as follows.
a.Proses the planting and cultivation of ethics should be used

religious language and the language of the culture so that it touches the conscience and

sympathy and support of the entire community. If the moral sanction

no longer effective, enforcement measures should be carried out

firm and consistent.

b.Proses ethics planting and cultivation is done through
communicative, dialogue and persuasion, not through approach,
c. Implementation of the national movement ethics of nation, state and community
the synergy and sustainable, involving all the potential of the nation,
governments or communities.
d. Need to develop professional ethics, such as the ethics of the legal profession, the profession
medicine, economics profession, and the profession of politics that is based on the principal-

subject to ethics adhered to by its members through a code of ethics

their respective professions.
e. Linking civilizing ethics of nation, state, and
community as part of the diversity of attitudes, that puts
ethical values ​​of nation, state and community in addition to
humanitarian responsibilities as well as part of devotion to God

The Almighty.


3.1 Conclusion:
Value is something of value, quality, show quality, and useful for humans. Something that means something is worth valuable or usefulfor human life. Pancasila has characteristics or properties of which value is an abstract reality and there is a human life, value has a normative nature and value serves as the impetus / motivator.
Contains five principles of Pancasila, which in principle contains five basic valuesfundamentals. The fundamental values ​​of Pancasila is the value of GodheadAlmighty, Value Fair and Civilized Humanity, the value of the UnionIndonesia, the value of democracy guided by the inner wisdom dalanconsultative / representative, and the value of social justice for all peopleIndonesia.


Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state, plays an important role in every aspect of the lives of the people of Indonesia. Pancasila many plays a very important to the life of the nation of Indonesia, one of which is the "Pancasila as an ethical system." Internationally renowned as one of Indonesia a country that has good ethics, a warm-hearted people, manners are upheld and many more, and Pancasila big role in shaping the mindset of this nation so that the nation can be appreciated as one of the civilized world considers didunia.Kecenderungan indifferent and trivial to the presence of Pancasila is expected to be abandoned. Because a great nation is a civilized nation. Establishment of ethics is not that hard and it's not easy, because it comes from the behavior and conscience. Hopefully this summary will be able to open your mind to the importance of a nation's life's Pancasila.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy, and it is also a branch of the human sciences (humanities). As a branch of philosophy he discusses systems thinking fundamental teachings and moral views. As a branch of science he discusses how and why we follow a certain moral teachings. Ethics as a science is divided into two, namely the general ethics and special ethics.Public Ethics discusses general principles that apply to every human action. In Western and Eastern philosophy, as in China and, as in Islamic schools of thought ethical diverse. But in principle, discuss the principles of human action and deeds, as well as the value system of what is contained in it. Special Ethics is divided into two individual ethics and social ethics. Ethics indvidual discuss human duty to itself and to the beliefs of his religion and conscience calls, obligations and responsibilities to the Lord. Social Ethics at the other things discussed the obligations and social norms that should be followed in human relationships, community, state and nation. Social Ethics branches of ethics include more specific like family ethics, professional ethics, business ethics, environmental ethics, ethics education, medical ethics, journalistic ethics, sexual ethics and political ethics. Political ethics as a branch of social ethics, thus discussing the obligations and norms in political life, which is how a person in a state society (who hold certain political system) associated politically with another person or group of people. In carrying out the political relations that one must know and understand the norms and obligations that must dipatuhi.Dan pancasila role in the realization of a system of good ethics in this country. In every time and anywhere we are we obligated to every ethical behavior. As noted in the precepts of the two "just and civilized humanity" can not be denied that the presence of Pancasila in building ethical berandil nation is large, each essentially a principle precepts and its own function, but overall is a systematic unity. Pancasila is a single compound entity, any precepts can not be independent of the other principles, precepts between one and the other are not mutually bertentangan.Inti and content of Pancasila are human monopluralis that has elements of the composition of nature (physical-spiritual) nature of nature (individual-social beings), status as a private stand-alone nature, the creatures of Almighty Esa.Unsur elements of human nature is a unity that is organic and harmonious, and each element has a respective functions but interconnected. Pancasila is the embodiment of human nature monopluralis as an organic unity. In establishing a system of anonymous ethics values, norms and morals. Let's discuss each and tiapnya understanding, and relationships among them.

1. PengertianNilai: The nature or quality attached to an object, not the object sendiriNorma: Rules idealMoral behavior: integrity and personal dignity manusiaSedangkan ethics itself has the meaning of critical thinking and the fundamental teachings and moral views.

2. The values, norms and moralNilai, moral norms and directly or indirectly have a pretty close relationship, because each one will determine the ethics of this nation. Antarnya relationship can be summarized as follows:

1. Value: the quality of a human life for the benefit of (physical and spiritual). - Values ​​are abstract can only be understood, considered, understood and dihayatiolehmanusia; - Values ​​related to expectations, goals, desires, and everything human inner-value considerations can be subjective when administered olehs ubyek and objective when attached to something terlepasd meaning of human judgment
2. Norma: concrete manifestation of the values, and attitudes that guide human behavior. Legal norm is the norm of the most powerful because its entry can be enforced by an external authority, such authority or law enforcement
3. Values ​​and norms is always associated with moral and ethical
4. Lyang moral meaning contained in a person's personality will be reflected in the attitudes and behavior-. Attitudes and norms to guide human behavior.
5. Morals and ethics are closely related. Ethics is the science that discuss the principles moralitas.Pada essentially everything it's worth, just what kind of value and how that value relationships with people. Many attempts to classify these values ​​and the classification is very diverse, depending on your point of view in the context of the classification. Notonagoro maacam dividing into three, namely:

1. Material values, and of all things that are useful for human physical life, or human bodily material needs.
2. Vital values, ie everything that is useful for people to be able to hold events or activities.
3. Kerokhanian value, ie everything that is useful for rohanimanusia spiritual values ​​can be divided into four kinds:
a) the value of truth.
b) The value of beauty.
c) The value of kindness.
d) The value of religious


Pancasila should be used as much as possible to the source of the value of life because it has sesai bnagsa Indonesia with Indonesian national life. Value - the value of Pancasila was formulated according the Indonesian nation.

Pancasila should be dugunakan much as possible in all parts of the nation that the ideology of the nation Indonesia Indonesia goes to the maximum.

Pancasila should be implemented in schools and not just in the know by the student / i exists on Pancasila as the source of value.

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