Heart Health
Let's try to do a little change to get a lot of benefits.
Problems Cigarette
Keeping yourself, friends and family not to smoke. Smoking is one of the causes of cancer, heart disease, vascular disease and stroke.
Someone to be around smokers, have a 70% risk of suffering from diseases caused by smoking.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle begins with seeking the home or public places as smoke free areas rokok.Menjaga yourself, friends and family not to smoke. Smoking is one of the causes of cancer, heart disease, vascular disease and stroke. Someone to be around smokers, have a 70% risk of suffering from diseases caused by smoking. Applying polan healthy life begins with seeking the home or public places as smoke-free areas.
Lack of movement
Doing exercise regularly as part of your life.
Exercising brisk walking for 30 minutes a day can lower the risk of heart and blood vessel disease.
Consult a doctor immediately, if there are things that are not comfortable in your body so the doctor can choose a suitable sports.
Keep your weight remains the ideal. Obesity can worsen the risk of premature death from heart and blood vessel disease, hypertension, or stroke.Melakukan regular exercise as part of your life. Exercising brisk walking for 30 minutes a day can lower the risk of heart and blood vessel disease. Consult a doctor immediately, if there are things that are not comfortable in your body, so that the doctor can choose a suitable sports. Keep your weight remains the ideal. Obesity can worsen the risk of premature death from heart and blood vessel disease, hypertension, or stroke.
Weight loss for women
Women should be careful with weight, blood pressure, diabetes, and increased cholesterol.
Do a balanced diet with emphasis on fruits and vegetables, eat lean meat, cooking methods as recommended by health and avoiding fried foods, coconut milk and salt overload.
For people with diabetes should control the nutritional well as the recommended dosage.
Teratur.Perempuan health check should be careful with weight, blood pressure, diabetes, and increased kolesterol.Nikmatnya balanced diet, with: multiply food fruits and vegetables, eating lean meat, cooking methods as recommended by health and avoiding fried foods -fried, coconut milk and salt overload. For people with diabetes should control the nutritional well as the recommended dosage. Regular health check.
Try to reduce stress
Stress can lead to ongoing heart disease. You can reduce stress in your own time, such as physical activity or exercise, a social worker, or working on social activities that can continuously lainnya.Stres cause heart disease. You can reduce your own stress with time, such as: physical activity / exercise, a social worker, or doing social activities lainnya.Pola healthy life Balanced nutrition Avoid rid of cigarettes and overcome stress Guard Regular exercise blood pressure
Instilling the importance of heart health
Instill in children early on about how to keep the heart in order to remain healthy and strong, for example:
Living a healthy lifestyle
Teach healthy exercise habits on a regular basis
Reducing the consumption habits of sugar, salt and foods that are not healthy
Increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits and nuts kacangan.Tanamkan to children early on about how to keep the heart in order to remain healthy and strong, for example: Living with healthy lifestyle habits to teach healthy exercise habits Avoid regular consumption of sugar, salt and food- unhealthy foods Increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits and nuts.
The situation in the old days, how to get started at a young age
Preventing heart disease as a teenager certainly will reduce the risk in the old days against heart and blood vessel disease.
Familiarize with balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, not smoking, reduce the consumption of fast food with high carbohydrates and fat, and make time to exercise.
It is recommended to control blood pressure during pregnancy on a regular basis. Lack of health care and blood pressure control can disturb you while pregnant. Not only do harm to the mother, but also for the fetus dikandungnya.Mencegah heart disease as a teenager certainly will reduce the risk in the old days against heart and blood vessel disease. Familiarize with balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, do not start smoking, reduce fast foods with high carbohydrates and fats, as well as provide time for gymnastics or other sports. It is recommended to control blood pressure during pregnancy on a regular basis. Less healthy controls and blood pressure, may bother you while pregnant. Not only harm the mother, but also for the fetus.
Lifestyle Fix For Heart Health
Human behavior was very instrumental in preventing the onset of disease. These include heart disease, which in Indonesia still ranks as the champion of the cause of death disease.
In 1998 alone by Household Health Survey (SKRT) diseases of the circulatory system in diseases classified it reached 24.4 percent, an increase from 1985 in the amount of 5.9 percent. This figure should be reason enough for us to immediately change behavior, especially the ability to live and a good diet.
"Heart disease is triggered by two kinds of factors, yaiut factors that can not be avoided and factors that can be avoided. Factors that can not be avoided such as older age and heredity, while the factors that can be avoided is related to lifestyle, such as lack of exercise. In Indonesia, people who exercise continuously only 9 percent of the total, whereas the data from the WHO showing that 43 percent of disease in the world is caused partly because of the lack of movement, "said H. Masino, MSD, Executive Secretary of the Indonesian Heart Foundation.
Often Forgotten
Is already a knowledge umun and indisputable that exercise can maintain heart health. Yet time and limited facilities to alsan cliché why people are reluctant to perform these activities. "Limitations facility is being tantanganbagi us to keep promoting the sport. For example, at school no lapamgan sports, sidewalks on the road is also not safe enough for jogging, so inevitably we find a way so that people can still exercise, such as jumping rope that does not take much time or space is too broad, "said Masino. In general, a person who is less active, have a risk two to three times more likely to suffer a heart attack than people who are active and exercise regularly. Regular exercise can strengthen the heart muscle and improve blood circulation system can reduce kegemukan.Sangat dianjurakan sampng to do a 30 minute brisk walk every day, and most do not do any form of exercise three times a week with the intensity of a half to one hour. This is especially helpful health condition rather than just spending time in front of the television. It could also, when going back to the office, do not treat yourself to ride the elevator. Pilihalan way more fishing perspiration, such as child menggnakan tangga.Stress protracted makes your heart rate and blood pressure increase. This makes the heart work harder and in turn will increase the risk of heart disease. Behavior which is too rushed, quick-tempered and overly berambisioleh some quarters In such diseases can lead to a certain limit stress is a normal phenomenon, even if it can be managed properly it can be a positive thing in the development of self- humans. Although everyone does have different ways confronted by stress, but in essence, never let stress drag inside that can disrupt the physical condition, as far as possible avoid or let's face it bijaksana.Janganlah save harbored anger or disappointment. Express feelings and talk about pressing it with others you trust, family or doctor. Troubling or remembering past mistakes will only make yourself grow stress, for it take time for recreation with family or close friends who also Anda.Demikian with cigarettes, despite realizing a bad habit, most smokers still do not want to break this. Yet, for a heavy smoker, the risk facing sudden death five times greater than those who did not smoke at all. A small amount of nicotine in cigarettes are toxic to the body. Nicotine is absorbed in each puff of a cigarette is not deadly, but still dangerous because it can lead to hardening of the heart arteries and disrupt heart rhythms and.
Keep Your Heart Healthy
Myth that all fats are bad for your health. So if your cholesterol is up, here are the things you need to restore it to its normal position.
Facts About Cholesterol
High cholesterol levels in the blood increase the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is needed by our body to form cell membranes and hormones. Cholesterol is transported in the blood cells by means of conveyance called LDL and HDL.
Scientific studies have shown that linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acids from vegetable oils can reduce LDL cholesterol, but saturated and trans acids raise. Make sure that your diet contains linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acids because the human body can not produce it themselves. Linoleic acid found in vegetable oils, including sunflower oil and corn oil. Alpha-linolenic acid found in soybean oil, rape seed and linseed plants. These two fatty acids are part of a group of plural unsaturated fats (polyunsaturated).
Production of Compounds
Fatty acids needed to keep your skin hydrated and produce a number of hormone-like compounds. Then our bodies use these compounds for:
• Regulating blood circulation
• Blood clots
• Muscle Contraction
• Immune Function
• Setting the neural network
• Regulating body temperature
Fat also serves to absorb some vitamins;
• Vitamin A (retinal) - important for maintaining eye health
• The function of cells - boost immunity and growth
• Vitamin E - protects cell membranes from oxidative damage
• Vitamin D - essential for absorbing calcium and bone formation
• Vitamin K - helps blood clotting and bone health.
The power plant
Scientists have found that plant sterols produced from vegetable oils can reduce the absorption of cholesterol from food. Even more importantly, they will prevent the absorption of cholesterol that has been filtered by the liver back into the blood, so less cholesterol circulates in our body system. Unilever has control of the content of cholesterol reducers plant sterols in some products such as margarine, milk and yogurt are contained in the product Becel, Flora and Fruti d'Or Pro-Activ and Take Control.
So if you are worried about the fat content of your food, relax. If you take care of the fat in your food, it's the best thing you can do.
Tips To Stay Healthy Heart
Statistics show that we, especially women, need to give greater attention to heart health.
Cardiovascular disease, including the biggest killer. To avoid this deadly disease, an expert contributing some valuable tips below:
• If you happen to smoke, try to stop it now. Smoking is one cause of heart disease, but also one of the easiest habits to overcome. The more smoke, the higher the risk of heart disease.
• Observe your cholesterol levels. One cause of clogged arteries is too much the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Clogged arteries can lead to heart attack or stroke.
• Observe your blood pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure level of the heart to pump and circulate blood throughout the body. The higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk of stroke and heart attack.
• Do not forget to exercise. The body is not active is also a cause of heart disease. Physical movement, such as roads for 30 minutes per day, much better than simply not doing anything.
• Pay attention to your body weight. Due to excessive body fat, obese people have a higher likelihood of suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.
• Always consumption of healthy foods. The food we eat is the fuel for the heart and other tissues throughout the body. These guidelines are considered healthy foods for the heart: the amount of fat should be below 30% of total daily calories; saturated fat should be below 10% of total daily calories; dual-saturated fat should be below 10% of total daily calories, 50% calories other fats should consist of mono-unsaturated; cholesterol intake should not exceed 300 milligrams per day, and sodium intake should be no more than 3,000 milligrams per day
Tips to keep a healthy heart
The heart is one of the most important organs in the human body and merpakan main motor in the blood stream. Therefore health is very important. But many of us are not so beware of heart disease unlike other pain that always starts with the obvious symptoms. Here are tips on how to maintain the health of our heart.
Avoid Cigarettes
The study said that people who smoke have a 2-fold odds of heart disease than people who do not smoke or secondhand smoke. When you stop smoking, the risk will gradually decline
Reduce Salt
Salt can lead to hypertension, which in turn might increase the risk of heart attack. To maintain health, consumption of more vegetables and fruits.
Reduce Alcohol
Alcohol consumption can damage cardiac muscle that can increase the occurrence of heart attacks
Regular Sports
The heart consists of muscles and these muscles need exercise. One way is by doing exercise. Experts recommend regular exercise about 30 minutes a day to maintain your body's health.
Keep your Body Mass Index (BMI)
By maintaining an ideal weight or BMI you reduce the performance of the heart so that your heart becomes healthier.
Routine Check Cholesterol
People who have high cholesterol have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and diseases that affect blood circulation in the body. Therefore, regular check ups are very good cholesterol to be indicative of our heart health.
If blood pressure is high, you can reduce it with exercise and eating foods that contain lots of fiber.
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