Types of Drugs
In this era of globalization, many countries faced by both developed and developing countries do not tekecuali more problems with our country. One of the problems to date in many countries is a serious problem in Indonesia is a drug problem, the problem is especially alarming because they enter school - school, college and even people - people who already have a steady job can be affected using this narkoba.Saat no one any district in Indonesia, which is free from drugs.
Drug is a substance which, when introduced into the body, it will affect the function of physical and / or psychological (except food, water or oxygen). (WHO, 1982)
Drugs is the abbreviation of Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances, Materials / substances that are addictive drugs that are very dangerous for one to use. (BNN, 2003)
1. Narcotics
Are substances or drugs derived from plants or no plants, either synthetic or semi-synthetic that can cause certain effects for its users
Effect of the form of anesthesia, pain relief, stimulation of the spirit, the onset of hallucinations or delusions that cause dependency effects for the wearer.
Various kinds of Narcotics
a. Opioids
Opioids or opiates derived from opium, the juice of the opium poppy.
- Heroin including opiates group
- Opium disaripatikan of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) and refined to make morphine, codeine and heroin (1847)
- Opium used for centuries as a pain reliever and for pleasure (preventing cough, diarrhea, etc..)
Heroin is a drug that is very easy to make someone addicted because the effect is very strong. This medicine can be found in the form of pills, powders, and also in the liquid.
Heroin gives a very rapid effect on the user, and it can be both physically and mentally. And if the person stops taking heroin, he would experience continuous pain / withdrawal / withdrawal symptoms.
Heroin has a strength that is two times stronger than morphine (used for medication) and is the type most commonly abused opiate people in Indonesia at the end - the end of this
How to use an injected heroin can lead to the spread of HIV / AIDS and hepatitis C. Usually caused by sharing needles and other equipment simultaneously.
- Codeine
Codeine including salt / derivative of opium / opium. Codeine effects are weaker than heroin, and its potential to cause low ketergantungaan. Usually sold in pill or liquid form jernih.Codein often also used as a cough medicine for a chronic cough. Purchase must be prescribed by a doctor.
- Demerol
Another name is Demerol is pethidina. Demerol is sold in pill form and colorless liquid. Demerol is often also used for treatment.
b. Cocaine
Cocaine is one addictive substance that is often misused. Cocaine is an alkaloid obtained from the coca plant Erythroxylon shrub, a native of South America, where the leaves of this shrub plants typically chewed by the locals to get a stimulant effect, such as to increase endurance, stamina, reduce fatigue, hunger, and to euphoria effect.
Another short-term effects of cocaine use include depression, paranoia, heart attacks, seizures, strokes and psychosis
c. Cannabis / marijuana / cimenk
All parts of this plant contains psychoactive cannabinoids. Marijuana plants are usually cut, dried, cut into small - small and rolled into cigarettes called joints (in Indonesia called pocong). Will bind the mind and can make you become addicted.
The most potent cannabis plant extract derived from the dried and brown-black color called hashish or hash.
Marijuana is known to trigger psychosis, especially for those who have a background (genes) schizophrenia. Marijuana can also trigger and mixing between anxiety and depression.
Marijuana smoke contains 3 times more tar and carbon monoxide five times more than regular cigarettes.
THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is stored in the fat in the body and can be detected up to six weeks after use.
2. Psychotropic
Substance / drug that can reduce brain activity or stimulate the central nervous system and cause behavioral disorders, sometimes accompanied by the onset of hallucinations (visual and auditory perception disorders), illusion, impaired thinking, feeling natural changes.
The types that included psychotropic
- Ecstasy / ineks
Ecstasy (methylen dioxy methamphetamine) / MDMA is a type of drug that is made illegally in a laboratory in the form of tablets.
Ecstasy will encourage the body to perform activities beyond
Maximum power of the body itself. Lack of body fluids can occur as a result of high exertion and time, which often leads to death.
These chemicals are harmful often mixed in ecstasy tablets or capsules.
These substances are often even more dangerous than ecstasy existing content. Ecstasy affects the dopamine receptors in the brain so that when the effects of these substances can cause depression exhausted and paranoid.
- Shabu-shabu
Its chemical name is methamphetamine. Shaped crystals such as sugar or spice flavoring dishes. This drug crystals and tablets, has no color or odor
This drug has a strong influence on the nerves include:
~ Feeling pleasure, euphoria, alert, energetic, social and self-confident (if used more than usual).
~ Agitation (Rampage), aggression (attack), anxiety, panic.
~ Nausea, sweating, sticky molars, teeth continued chewing.
~ Increasing risk behavior.
~ Loss of appetite.
~ It's hard to sleep.
~ Severe mental disorders.
~ Paranoid and depression.
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