
juvenile delinquency

juvenile delinquency
Teens are those aged between 12-21 years. Teens will experience a period of physical and psychological development as follows:

     * The Pre-pubertal (12-13 years)
     * The period of puberty (14-16 years)
     * The end of puberty (17-18 years)
     * And the period adolesen teens (19-21 years)

Pre-puberty (12-13 years)

This period is also called pueral period, the period of transition from childhood to adolescence. In girls, the period is shorter than the boys.

Adolescence (14-16 years)

This period is also called early adolescence, where their physical development is so prominent. At this time, teenage emotions become very unstable due to the development of sexual hormones so rapidly. Sexual desire also began to appear during this strong.

The end of puberty (17-18 years)

At this time, teens are able to get through the past well, will be able to accept his nature, as both men and women ..

Adolesen adolescent period (19-21 years)

During this period, adolescents generally have reached perfect maturity, both in terms of physical, emotional, and psychological. They will learn so many things and start fighting the abstract ideals derived from their minds .. Way of life as well as the properties that stand out will be obvious at this stage.

Kenakalan remaja
Juvenile delinquency is usually performed by the teenagers who failed to undergo the processes of development of his soul, either in adolescence or in childhood. Psychologically, juvenile delinquency is a manifestation of these conflicts are not resolved properly in childhood and youth offenders.
Addressing juvenile delinquency, the juvenile emotions rebuild torn it. Emotions and feelings because they feel rejected by broken families, parents, friends, and the environment since childhood, and the failure of the development of the adolescent psyche.
Factors causes of delinquency, according to Kumpfer and Alvarado

I. Lack of socialization from parents to children about moral values ​​and social.

II. Examples are shown parental behavior (modeling) at home against the behavior and values ​​of anti-social.

III. Lack of supervision of the children (both activities, friendships at school or outside the school, and others).

IV. Lack of discipline is applied to the child's parents.

V. The low quality of the parent-child relationship.

VI. The high conflict and aggressive behavior that occurs within the family.

VII. Poverty and violence within the family.

VIII. Children living away from their parents and there is no monitoring of other authority figures.

IX. The difference in the child's culture, such as moving to another city or a new environment.

X. The existence of sibling or half who use drugs or commit juvenile delinquency.

Environmental factors or unfavorable peers also lead to better behavior in adolescents. Schools with less strict rules apply also makes teens become more vulnerable to the effects that are not good socially. "Teachers who are less sensitive to it can also make the youth become more difficult to correct his behavior. Similarly, the teacher was too harsh in dealing with troubled teens . Could be, rather than reduce delinquency join them, even create their delinquency increasingly become, "said Prof. Arif Rachman, education experts from UNJ.
While M Faisal Magrie, adolescent psychology consultant Sharing Association, said some things that parents can do to prevent the emergence of delinquency behavior in adolescents. According to Faisal, parenting a teenager can be assumed as flying kites. "If the parents pull the rope too close, the kite will not fly. Yet if parents let the rope too far, kites will be dropped because of high winds, or other things like stuck on a tree," said Faisal.
So also with older children, if the parents are too curb child, what happens is the child is not able to develop independently and they will attempt to free himself from the fetters of parents. When this happens, the social environment, especially peers, would be a major breakout anak.Apabila the social environment in which the child turns ordinary gathering has a tendency to commit delinquency, the child also has great potential to do the same thing with what kelompoknya.Hal The same thing can happen if the parents are too free children. The difference is, a child who does not feel the pressure released by what is perceived by the child restrained, so the urge to rebel tend to be smaller than children restrained.
Juvenile delinquency can also be caused by several other things, which include:
1. EFFECT playmate
       Among adolescents, have many friends is a feat in itself a form. Moreover, they may have a limited circle of friends .. The effect is indeed quite big fella. The effect is often likened to fellow rotten piece of meat wrapped in a leaf when the leaf rose will smell bad. Meanwhile, when a sandalwood wrapped in a sheet of paper, the paper will be fragrant smell. This parable shows such a great influence in shaping the social and personality of a person's character as a teenager, in particular. Therefore, parents of teens should be careful and prudent in giving their children a chance to get along. Do not allow children to hang out with friends that are not true.

In the Digha Nikaya III, 182 also explained the criteria that are not good friends. They are friends who will encourage someone to become gamblers, unscrupulous people, drunkards, swindlers, and outlaws.

In the world of education a child should be able to choose schools according to his wishes, it is because that a child will lead and shape the personality and potential, so it's important to choose the best pandidikan.

In extra time should be used to the best, do not use for anything negative, because if using spare time to the negative things that a child will fall into promiscuity.
4. Allowance
Teens should be educated to appreciate the value of money. They are trained to have a nature do not like to waste money but also not too miserly. Children are taught to live wisely in the use of money by always using the principle of life 'middle way' Teach your child to also have a habit of saving a portion of their allowance. Saving money is not the miserly character development, but rather as a form of reward money earned by work and spirit.
Giving pocket money to teenagers is inevitable. However, allowance should be provided with the basic policy. Do not overdo it. Given pocket money unwisely can lead to problems. That is:

1. Children become wasteful
2. Children do not appreciate the money,
3. Kids will buy booze or the like and
4. Child lazy to learn, because they think the easy money without any skill.
At this time, the freedom to associate is an alarming level. The teens can mingle freely among species. No rare sight in public places, young amorous hugging each other regardless of the surrounding community. They've been dating since the beginning of the term adolescence. My girlfriend, for them, is one of the prestige of the plume. Consequently, among teenagers then there is competition to get a girlfriend. Definition of dating in the era of globalization, this information is very different from the sense of going out 15 years ago. Consequently, in this era many teenagers who drop out of school due to pregnancy. Therefore, the period of courtship, children should be briefed on the idealism and reality. Children should be fostered awareness that reality is often not as we hope, on the contrary expectations do not always come true. Similarly, the courtship. The beauty and warmth of real courtship selamanya.Dalam will not continue to provide guidance and supervision to youth who are in love, parents should be balanced, the balance between surveillance with liberty. The younger the child, the more stringent oversight provided but children should be given a lot of sense that they are not frightened by parents who can lead them dating secretly. If age is increasing, parents can give more freedom to the child. However, it still must be maintained so that they are not going the wrong way. Regret the errors that have been made actually less useful.


The view children today have drawn to western culture and has left a noble values ​​are positive. According to them the great value has katinggalan era, but their views were wrong but they still run it, because they have been influenced by the western culture of the poor. Clearly different from the western culture of the noble values ​​of the Indonesian nation. The number of children who have left this noble values ​​cause damage peneru Morak the nation. The children of the nation think that if it does not follow the life of the nation west mak will be outdated and not slang.

In my opinion, should these noble values ​​further enhanced through educational media and others, because it is very memperhatinkan. Noble values ​​should be the benchmark in the life of the child in order to be a good boy becoming obsolete. Despite ongoing hempitan era for sure if it really wants to boost the noble values ​​must have his way, so do not give in to circumstances.


The things that must be done to inculcate noble values ​​to children that
1) with parental controls
2) parental concern
3) provide knowledge about the great value either individually or in groups
4) teach children to menisi free time with things in a positive
5) as a parent, taught to behave is not wasteful of money.
6) Instilling fear that if the nature of the mistake
7) Instill shyness when doing things that negatively

In the application of rights and obligations in order to align with the values ​​of nobility and pangawasan ie the direction of the primary parent. If a child gets perfectly right and good then they would have to perform its obligations perfectly well. It can also make a child to follow the values ​​of nobility because the child has to get right (a major concern of parents). Because many children are leaving the great value because of the lack of attention from parents and children are looking for fun in the outdoors with a variety of how important the child happy, although not in accordance with the noble values.

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