POP (Post Office Protocol) email Mail This is the same type of email that you received from your ISP (internet connect to your home or office) and POP3 is the last type of POP.
a) Advantages:1. Easier archiving, because the email is stored dikomputer users.2. Excess owned both POP mail is the ability to read offline (not connect to the internet). To check your mail, you need to connect to a POP mail server, and then download all existing email. After that you can disconnect the internet and reading emails. When ready with the answer you can connect to the internet and press Send. For that all you have to use a mail client program such as Eudora or OutlookExpress.
b) Disadvantages:1. Lack POP mail is you can not check your email from anywhere.2. Can only be opened from the user's computer only.3. Because the use of personal computers, the amount of storage that can be used for email can accommodate unlimited (subject to budget users)
Web Based emailEmail Email this type is offered by various websites such as Yahoo, Hotmail, BolehMail, LoveMail and others.
a) Advantages:Because it is on a server that can be opened from the Internet, the user can open his email from any place that has Internet access.
b) Disadvantages:1. The main disadvantage of web-based email is to check your emails should always be connected to the internet. For those who only received a few dozen emails or certainly not so pronounced. Tapibagi email you receive dozens or even hundreds of emails would be felt shortcomings, especially in terms of cost (having to constantly connect to the Internet).2. Archived difficult, because email stored on the server computer. If at any time the server has a problem, it is possible to email just disappear.
Differences between POP3 based email with webmail:1. Based email pop3 mail client application requires.2. Through internet access POP3 based email when sending and receiving can be reduced.3. POP e-mail should be opened by the user's computer, while Web-Based Email can be viewed by anyone with Internet access.4. In the capacity of storage media, POP3 larger because the storage size is not limited. While Web BasedEmail using other people's computers are limited in storage capacity.5. Pop3 based email is slow, while the web-based email faster and more reliable.6. By using POP3, the email can be retrieved from the server and stored in the email client, while using the Web Based Email (like Yahoo and Gmail), the user can read the email he received and interact with a user friendly email.
Sources: www.google.com
Web-based email and email-based POP3
Email or if the term Indonesia, electronic mail, is an application that allows Internet users to send each other messages through electronic address on the Internet.
The user has an email a mailbox (mailbox) are stored electronically in a mailserver. A Mailbox has an address as an identifier to be associated with the mailbox, whether in the form of receiving and sending messages. Received messages are stored in the mailbox, the next mailbox owners at any time to check their contents, reply to, delete, or edit and send email messages.
Web mail is a way to send email via the internet online. Browsers are required to go to a web site email and open the email or send emails in one by one and can only be read by using a Web browser such as Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mosaic etc.. Some e-mail providers also provide Web-based POP3 & SMTP with a particular setting, such as Yahoomail.
Developed web-based email in order to provide email services to those who have internet access, but do not have their own email account, or yangdimiliki no access to the email server, but to a web server.Jadi, people will email should first mengikutiprosedur to create an email account (sign up) are provided for free.
POP stands for Post Office Protocol, POP POP3adalah while the latter type. Thus, the process through which sebuahemail similar to that experienced by a mail (regular mail), yangharus through several intermediate post offices before finally reaching the destination. Just like with email, an email will be melewatibeberapa computer that acts as a router or a mail server, before finally arriving at the existing email server at the ISP email manaalamat kitaterdaftar.POP3 usually paired with SMTP (Simple Mail TransferProtocol).
The function of the two support each other, where POP3 is used to retrieve email from a server computer to the client computer (the user), and SMTP is used for sending email client darikomputer deposited into the computer server for delivery to the destination server computer.
The difference between POP email and Web-based email:
1. Pop3 based email can be opened only by komputerpemakai, while web-based emai, can be viewed by anyone accessing the internet sajayang2. Through internet access POP3 based email when sending danmenerima can be reduced, while the web-based email aksesinternet should not be to drop out when access to email, from darimengirim to receive
3. Through this system we can read email pop3 offline tanpaharus connected with internet service, while the web email must remain connected to the internet even though reading.4. To use POP3 based email secaralangsung we need to connect to the network or service provider, and need memilikiaplikasi mail client.sedangkan via a web-based email. After connecting to the Internet via a network or provider layananInternet, we can direct our computer web browser to webyang provide email services web, such and into our account
Attachment function
Attachment is the command to send the file via email. Sometimes when we send a letter we wanted to include another letter attachment so that we make the letter more fully but not too long. In this letter attachment attachment there are some documents that we may attach too, for example: word document or power point. In short, the function of File Attachment in an email is to send a file (either in the form of video, images, animations, etc.) via email to the email address destination, because the attachment file itself is a command - the command to send a file via email.
POP (Post Office Protocol) email Mail This is the same type of email that you received from your ISP (internet connect to your home or office) and POP3 is the last type of POP.
a) Advantages:1. Easier archiving, because the email is stored dikomputer users.2. Excess owned both POP mail is the ability to read offline (not connect to the internet). To check your mail, you need to connect to a POP mail server, and then download all existing email. After that you can disconnect the internet and reading emails. When ready with the answer you can connect to the internet and press Send. For that all you have to use a mail client program such as Eudora or OutlookExpress.
b) Disadvantages:1. Lack POP mail is you can not check your email from anywhere.2. Can only be opened from the user's computer only.3. Because the use of personal computers, the amount of storage that can be used for email can accommodate unlimited (subject to budget users)
Web Based emailEmail Email this type is offered by various websites such as Yahoo, Hotmail, BolehMail, LoveMail and others.
a) Advantages:Because it is on a server that can be opened from the Internet, the user can open his email from any place that has Internet access.
b) Disadvantages:1. The main disadvantage of web-based email is to check your emails should always be connected to the internet. For those who only received a few dozen emails or certainly not so pronounced. Tapibagi email you receive dozens or even hundreds of emails would be felt shortcomings, especially in terms of cost (having to constantly connect to the Internet).2. Archived difficult, because email stored on the server computer. If at any time the server has a problem, it is possible to email just disappear.
Differences between POP3 based email with webmail:1. Based email pop3 mail client application requires.2. Through internet access POP3 based email when sending and receiving can be reduced.3. POP e-mail should be opened by the user's computer, while Web-Based Email can be viewed by anyone with Internet access.4. In the capacity of storage media, POP3 larger because the storage size is not limited. While Web BasedEmail using other people's computers are limited in storage capacity.5. Pop3 based email is slow, while the web-based email faster and more reliable.6. By using POP3, the email can be retrieved from the server and stored in the email client, while using the Web Based Email (like Yahoo and Gmail), the user can read the email he received and interact with a user friendly email.
Sources: www.google.com
Web-based email and email-based POP3
Email or if the term Indonesia, electronic mail, is an application that allows Internet users to send each other messages through electronic address on the Internet.
The user has an email a mailbox (mailbox) are stored electronically in a mailserver. A Mailbox has an address as an identifier to be associated with the mailbox, whether in the form of receiving and sending messages. Received messages are stored in the mailbox, the next mailbox owners at any time to check their contents, reply to, delete, or edit and send email messages.
Web mail is a way to send email via the internet online. Browsers are required to go to a web site email and open the email or send emails in one by one and can only be read by using a Web browser such as Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mosaic etc.. Some e-mail providers also provide Web-based POP3 & SMTP with a particular setting, such as Yahoomail.
Developed web-based email in order to provide email services to those who have internet access, but do not have their own email account, or yangdimiliki no access to the email server, but to a web server.Jadi, people will email should first mengikutiprosedur to create an email account (sign up) are provided for free.
POP stands for Post Office Protocol, POP POP3adalah while the latter type. Thus, the process through which sebuahemail similar to that experienced by a mail (regular mail), yangharus through several intermediate post offices before finally reaching the destination. Just like with email, an email will be melewatibeberapa computer that acts as a router or a mail server, before finally arriving at the existing email server at the ISP email manaalamat kitaterdaftar.POP3 usually paired with SMTP (Simple Mail TransferProtocol).
The function of the two support each other, where POP3 is used to retrieve email from a server computer to the client computer (the user), and SMTP is used for sending email client darikomputer deposited into the computer server for delivery to the destination server computer.
The difference between POP email and Web-based email:
1. Pop3 based email can be opened only by komputerpemakai, while web-based emai, can be viewed by anyone accessing the internet sajayang2. Through internet access POP3 based email when sending danmenerima can be reduced, while the web-based email aksesinternet should not be to drop out when access to email, from darimengirim to receive
3. Through this system we can read email pop3 offline tanpaharus connected with internet service, while the web email must remain connected to the internet even though reading.4. To use POP3 based email secaralangsung we need to connect to the network or service provider, and need memilikiaplikasi mail client.sedangkan via a web-based email. After connecting to the Internet via a network or provider layananInternet, we can direct our computer web browser to webyang provide email services web, such
Attachment is the command to send the file via email. Sometimes when we send a letter we wanted to include another letter attachment so that we make the letter more fully but not too long. In this letter attachment attachment there are some documents that we may attach too, for example: word document or power point. In short, the function of File Attachment in an email is to send a file (either in the form of video, images, animations, etc.) via email to the email address destination, because the attachment file itself is a command - the command to send a file via email.
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